Bails INFORmative Friday "Encore Series" - HCM Spreadsheet Designer Overview
When: Friday, June 11th, 2021 from 11:00 to 12:00 (US/Eastern)
Bails INFORmative Friday "Encore Series" - HCM Spreadsheet Designer Overview


Webinar Webex Information

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Although our next quarterly “INFORmative Fridays” webinar series is not scheduled until July – due to popular demand we are presenting an “Encore” series in June.   In this series, we will be providing an “Encore” presentation of some of our popular past topics.

Join Bails for this “Encore INFORmative Fridays” webinar series every Friday starting June 11, 2021 through June 25, 2021.  This series will cover a wide range of topics relative to Infor Products.  Our experts will be available for 15 minutes at the end of each presentation for a Q&A.  Please reach out to Molly Velasco at to receive a webinar link or click “register now” and you will receive a link to the webinar one week before the presentation.

At Bails, we believe in the human touch.  Do you have a question or want to learn more about a particular feature?  Don’t have time to sit through a presentation that may or may not provide you with the information you need?  It’s OK!  Perhaps our complimentary “Coffee with a Consultant” offering is more your cup of tea.  If so, visit us at and send us an email through our website by selecting CONTACT US.  Bails will give you a free half hour of “one-on-one time” via webex with one of our consultants to get your questions answered or demo a feature you’ve been dying to see.  We are happy to help and set you on the right path.  We are Infor for YOUR Business.

For additional questions please contact: Molly Velasco,

HCM Spreadsheet Designer Overview

Having to get used to using Infor Spreadsheet Designer?   Join Bails to go over the Infor Spreadsheet Designer product – specific to the HCM area

Bails Presenters

  • HCM Practice Leader: Kandice Lemhouse Worsham
  • Director Service Delivery:  Kellie Gilbert
  • HCM Practice Manager:  Niki Kimball


Registration for this event is closed


Friday, June 11th, 2021 from 11:00 to 12:00 (US/Eastern)



Molly Velasco
Loring Kaveney
Bryan Waters
Bails INFORmative Friday "Encore Series" - HCM Spreadsheet Designer Overview
