Carolinas Lawson User Exchange (CLUE) Spring Meeting
When: Friday, March 29th, 2019 from 8:30 to 4:00 (US/Eastern)
Carolinas Lawson User Exchange (CLUE) Spring Meeting



Friday - March 29th, 2019

Registration and Breakfast
8:30 AM
7:30 AM
Room: Room 5 - 6
Registration begins at 7:30 AM. Breakfast available 7:45 AM to 8:45 AM. Visit our generous VENDORS.
CLUE, SEUG, LGUG, and Infor Updates
9:35 AM
8:30 AM
Room: Room 1 - 2 Presenters: Beth Highfill, Joe McDevitt, and Don Peterson
Hear the latest news and happenings with your user groups and Infor. Beth Highfill - CLUE and SELUG (MEGA); Joe McDevitt - LGUG; and Don Peterson - Infor.
CloudSuite - The Foundation for Success: Pre-planning for implementing CloudSuite FSM v11 that works!
10:40 AM
9:45 AM
Room: Room 2 Presenters: RPI - Richard Leigh Stout; Live Presentation
As you probably already know migrating to v11 represents a significant investment. It is not a pure infrastructure effort in the sense that past upgrades have been and will ultimately require engagement from business owners across Finance, HR and Procurement in order to succeed. On the other side of the coin it is also major leap forward in technology and functionality that presents a very significant opportunity to address real pain points across all business areas in pretty much any organization. Join RPI Partner Richard Leigh Stout as he discusses a pre-planning framework that will give you the best foundation for a successful go-live on CloudSuite FSM and best leverage the powerful new capabilities your organization needs.
Move, Groove, and Improve
10:40 AM
9:45 AM
Room: Room 4 Presenters: ROI - Diana Van Blaricom; Live Presenter
Join us for this fun, interactive workshop that was highly regarded at SWUG, ROMLUG, and MWLUG! We will explore ways to take advantage of Infor technologies while transforming into a progressive, best-in-class organization. Learn what others are doing to drive world-class business initiatives and discover what you can do tomorrow to move your organization forward. Prepare to contemplate, collaborate and iterate!
Technology - Lawson User Experience 10.1.0 - Overview and Demo
10:40 AM
9:45 AM
Room: Room 1 Presenters: Infor - Don Peterson; Live Presentation
Themes, user configurable contrast, application drill data export, responsive design, and more are enabled by Hook & Loop's HTML5 controls. Attend this session to learn about the Lawson user experience 10.1.0 running with Infor Ming.le 11.0.1 or Infor Ming.le 12.
Technology - Roadmap to ADFS Authentication
10:40 AM
9:45 AM
Room: Room 3 Presenters: Hybridge - Chris Cavaliere, Anthony, and Greg Wilks
HyBridge Solutions presents the to Roadmap to ADFS Authentication to review requirements and explore the benefits of moving to ADFS. This presentation delivers actionable information and answers to questions using our proven Solution Insights approach.
MSCM New Data Terminal Options
11:40 AM
10:45 AM
Room: Room 3 Presenters: Emkat - Chris Kane; Live Presentation
Learn about the new data terminal options for Infor MSCM: New Android Terminal options, Important sunset dates for support and Terminals, Security for Android
Organizational Transformation and Communications Strategies - Invigorating your projects with a digital lens
11:40 AM
10:45 AM
Room: Room 4 Presenters: Infor - Carol Tyler; Live Presentation
CSFSM, Birst, d/EPM, or XM Learn solid techniques that can immediately and creatively improve communication and acceptance of any project in your organization. You will learn several critical change management, communication, and organizational transformation strategies, out of the box thinking, and leave with tools that can be used immediately to aid in the success of projects of any size.
Reporting and Analytics - Birst, Excel, SSRS - HR - Finance - Supply Chain
11:40 AM
10:45 AM
Room: Room 2 Presenters: Dashboard Gear - Rich Bendickson; Live Presenter
Infor Reporting and Analytics options - Rich Bendickson of Dashboard Gear will go over a variety of reporting and analytics options you can use with your Infor applications. Topics will include connecting to cloud and on-premise data as well as best practices when embarking on a reporting/analytics project. Some examples will be shown in a variety of tools such as Birst, Excel, SSRS, etc. and will cover HR, Finance and Supply Chain use cases.
You Can't Dress Up a Pig: Auditing and Best Practices for Data Integrity and Maintenance
11:40 AM
10:45 AM
Room: Room 1 Presenters: IT-HenHouse - Kenneth Fields; Live Presentation
We will cover pitfalls, preventive measures (pre project implementation, upgrade and Go Live), and effects of Data Management and mismanagement. Session be interactive and allow participants to bring forth, discuss and implement solutions.
Lunch and Vendor Showcase
12:30 PM
11:45 AM
Room: Room 5 - 6
Enjoy lunch and visit the Vendor areas - network with your peers
Vendor Drawings
12:55 PM
12:30 PM
Room: Room 5 - 6
To qualify for the vendor giveaways, visit the vendor booths. Get your card stamped for the 3:45 PM CLUE Door Prizes.
Addins - Lawson Add-ins for Microsoft Office - For the Power User
1:55 PM
1:00 PM
Room: Room 1 Presenters: Infor - Don Peterson; Live Presentation
Learn to be a power user. You will hear how to troubleshoot an upload, build difficult uploads, and incorporate Drill Around into query results so you can Drill Around on your data.
Cashflow - The Life Blood of Any Business
1:55 PM
1:00 PM
Room: Room 2 Presenters: Cashbook - David Rushe; Live Presentation
Cashflow is the key to operating a successful business, it is important to keep your cashflow as consistent as possible. There are a lot of challenges that can impact cashflow for Lawson users in the healthcare, education and government industries for example. Guidelines and tips on how you can maintain satisfactory cashflows throughout the financial year will be discussed.
Change and Digital Transformation - Aligning People and Technology
1:55 PM
1:00 PM
Room: Room 4 Presenters: Infor - Carol Tyler; Live Presentation
Digital transformation goes far beyond technology updates. Its impact resonates throughout the entire organization, including the global workforce, as collaboration and innovation must be aligned in order to achieve both core business objectives and an effective organizational change management strategy. There are multiple paths to innovation, and no better time than the present for you to consider the options that are available. In this session, you will learn more about the wave of global digital expansion, and discover the top benefits your organization can realize immediately by engaging people in the journey of digital transformation and organizational change management.
Embracing HR Innovation
1:55 PM
1:00 PM
Room: Room 6 Presenters: ROI - Diana Van Blaricom; Live Presentation
With this session, we will uncover ideas to help you improve HR operations. We will also explore HR organizational structure, the right technologies you need to support a contemporary HR delivery model and discuss key feature requirements that will support your business improvement strategies. Learn how to leverage the Infor CloudSuite HCM solutions to raise the bar on operational excellence!
Expense Management - New Product
1:55 PM
1:00 PM
Room: Room 3 Presenters: PMA - Lou Pereira; Live Presentation
PMA will be presenting their next generation expense reimbursement application. It is an affordable, powerful, easy to use application in the cloud. Integrated with Ming.le 10+ and includes over 80 interface objects into Infor Lawson ClouldSuite Financials. The new receipt capture and tracking capability will eliminate any need for manual paper processing. Supports corporate credit card feeds and mileage reimbursement, is easy to use because it leverages Google Maps. Your company wide expense polices and processes configured and enforced. Come see how your organization can reduce costs, remove manual processes and become paperless.
Lessons Learned Going to CSF/v.11 from V.9 or V.10
1:55 PM
1:00 PM
Room: Room 5 Presenters: Bails - Arden Varney; Live Presentation
Going to CSF/v11 from Lawson v9 or v10? Here are some "Lessons Learned". Join Arden Varney of Bails & Associates as he leads a round table discussion on going to CSV/11 from Version 9 or 10.
Audit Controls - Transactions, Security, Segregation of Duties
2:55 PM
2:00 PM
Room: Room 2 Presenters: Kinsey - Guy Henson; Live Presentation
Generating comprehensive security and audit reports in your Lawson application can be a challenge. We have simplified and expanded the capabilities of Lawson reporting to help you discover potential Security and Transaction violations. Quickly view User access privileges, SOD conflicts or changes to any Lawson transaction. Topics include: User Activity Monitoring, Transaction Auditing, Lawson Security Reporting, Segregation of Duties - SOD - Violation Reports, and Security Audit Reporting.
Finding the Silver Lining in CloudSuite
2:55 PM
2:00 PM
Room: Room 6 Presenters: ROI - Diana Van Blaricom; Live Presenter
Is your organization in the shadows wondering how to get to CloudSuite? Discover what it takes to successfully implement a Global Ledger from the team that is doing it with both CSF and GHR. These lessons learned will open your eyes on how to transform your functions for the future!
Preparing for your GHR Implementation
2:55 PM
2:00 PM
Room: Room 5 Presenters: Intellias - Jake Michaels; Live Presentation
Many Infor Lawson S3 customers are excited about moving to GHR as a next generation HR platform. Join us to gain a deeper understanding of the benefits and value that GHR can bring to your organization. This webinar will provide expectations and guidelines that will help your organization avoid some of the pitfalls and surprises other organizations have previously encountered.
Successful Organizational Change Management and Communications Strategies with Any implementation Including Infor CSFSM, and Beyond
2:55 PM
2:00 PM
Room: Room 4 Presenters: Infor - Carol Tyler; Live Presentation
Did you know that communication issues are noted as the NUMBER One issues associated with implementations? Are your budgeting projects in your organization stalled because resistance and confusion? This session on Change Management and Communications provide solid and simple techniques that can immediately improve the acceptance and communication flows of any implemetation, CloudSuite, Budgeting, or any projects of any kind in your organization. Learn about critical nature of change management and communication strategies. Then take with you instant tools that can aid in the success of critical organizational projects of any size.
Technology - Infor Configuration Console - Overview
2:55 PM
2:00 PM
Room: Room 1 Presenters: Infor - Don Peterson; Live Presentation
Learn about Infor Configuration Console and its capabilities to personalize, configure and extend your Infor Landmark based applications. We will discuss using Infor Configuration Console to configure the user experience, add user defined fields and business classes, build web services and configure security policies.
Document Imaging & Self-Service Solutions for HR/Payroll
3:45 PM
3:00 PM
Room: Room 6 Presenters: MHC - Chris Rademacher; Live Presenter
Want to learn how document imaging can reduce the stacks of paper in your HR files? How workflow automation can expedite HR processes such as payroll setup and salary review approvals? How document self-service can reduce the burden of generating and distributing W-2 reprints to employees? Join MHC Software as we discuss the benefits of Infor Lawson-integrated imaging and self-service and review MHC solutions to simplify employee document management for HR and Payroll.
IPA - Going the Distance with IPA
3:45 PM
3:00 PM
Room: Room 2 Presenters: RPI - Richard Leigh Stout; Live Presentation
Ever find that attempts to kick-start an IPA-driven culture promptly lose momentum? Let RPI walk you through a strategy to set the foundation for a long-term automation culture that leverages IPA to continuously streamline processes and increase transparency across your organization. Learn what IPA flows are best to start with - those that will have the most impact in the shortest amount of time and the easiest for your organization to maintain. Review how an Agile methodology can help build and sustain momentum based on constant wins and ultimately help drive a mindset of continuous innovation.
Maximizing your Infor 10 or CSF Investment with Brainware Capture
3:45 PM
3:00 PM
Room: Room 1 Presenters: Hyland - Terry Prescott
Maximizing your Infor 10 or CSF Investment with Brainware Capture from Hyland. Learn how Hyland can make your AP a little less painful and a lot more efficient.
The Road to Infor CloudSuite
3:45 PM
3:00 PM
Room: Room 5 Presenters: AVAAP - Trey Galletly; Live Presenter
Do I upgrade or not? That's a familiar scenario for any Infor customer not yet migrated to Infor CloudSuite. What does it take to get there? What changes and what is the same? Is there a deployment option that meets my business needs or is the solution just for large institutions? Avaap consultants pave the road to Infor CloudSuite and a seamless implementation covering everything you need to know when considering the upgrade. From getting executive buy--n to understanding what processes change and how to leverage built-in industry-specific capabilities and analytics for competitive advantage, this session covers it all.
Meeting Wrap-Up and Gift Drawings
4:00 PM
3:45 PM
Room: Room 5 - 6 Presenters: Board
Gather for our drawings - you must be present to win. Offer suggestions for our next meeting. HOST Needed - if your company can host our next meeting, please let us know.
Registration for this event is closed


Regulatory Enhancement Request
User Groups

When & Where

Friday, March 29th, 2019

Friday, March 29th, 2019 from 8:30AM to 4:00PM (US/Eastern)
Cone Health System
Women’s Hospital, Education Center
801 Green Valley Road
Greensboro,North Carolina27408


Loring Kaveney
Highfill Beth
Cindy Minter
Joseph McDevitt
Carolinas Lawson User Exchange (CLUE) Spring Meeting
