DIY- Give Employees Control with Easy Self-Service Tax Documents
When: Tuesday, February 22nd, 2022 from 12:00 to 12:30 (US/Central)
DIY- Give Employees Control with Easy Self-Service Tax Documents


Tuesday, February 22
1:00 - 1:30 PM CT

Is this you? You are responsible for creating and distributing W-2s, 1095s, T4s and meeting employee tax document delivery deadlines. Now another year-end tax document process has passed and with it, another year of headaches and manual processes. Not to mention being forced to go into the office during a pandemic to battle with physical equipment required to prep the documents for delivery. As you struggled to perform your regular day job and get those employee tax documents out on time, you just KNOW there must be a better way.   

That’s where MHC comes in. 
Don’t let another year come and go without the benefits of MHC Document Self-Service to allow employees to easily access their own tax documents! 
For you - never again:  

  • Spend hour upon hour fighting with a printer 
  • Suffer endless papercuts while stuffing envelopes 
  • Field constant calls from employees asking to get their W-2s early or to get reprints 

For your employee: 

  • Easily access your W-2s anytime, and sooner than if they are mailed 
  • Know that your sensitive documents are not ‘somewhere in the mail’, but safe and secure 
  • Not have to wait for HR’s response when reprints are required 

You’ve experienced the challenges and how frustrating this time of year can be. So while the wounds are still fresh, promise here and now that you’ll make the change. Find out how MHC Document Self-Service can make your document delivery challenges a thing of the past, while you and fellow employees benefit from DIY and self-service! 

Register now for a live 30-minute webinar on Tuesday, February 22, 2022 at 1:00pm CT. 



Regulatory Enhancement Request
User Groups


Tuesday, February 22nd, 2022 from 12:00 to 12:30 (US/Central)



Loring Kaveney
Sheryl Westerhouse
DIY- Give Employees Control with Easy Self-Service Tax Documents
