East Coast User Groups Spring 2021 Virtual Event
When: Tuesday, May 18th, 2021 from 9:00 to 3:30 (US/Eastern)
East Coast User Groups Spring 2021 Virtual Event



Tuesday - May 18th, 2021

Sign In / Vendor Rooms Open
9:30 AM
9:00 AM
Welcome Session / User Group and Vendor introductions
9:55 AM
9:30 AM


General: Infor - Lawson Add-ins for Microsoft Office - For the power user (Don Peterson)
10:55 AM
10:00 AM
Presenters: Don Peterson
Learn to be a power user. You'll hear how to troubleshoot an upload, build difficult uploads, and incorporate Drill Around into query results so you can Drill Around on your data.
HR/HCM/Payroll: ROI - Becoming a Benefits Ninja
10:55 AM
10:00 AM
Presenters: Shawn Klein
Join us for this hybrid functional/technical session where we will show you tips and tricks for mastering benefits administration in CloudSuite HCM beyond basic plan set up. Discover best practice tools for managing eligibility, routine plan maintenance and pre-payroll processing.
SupplyChain/Finance: MHC - Turning Procure-to-Pay from Pain to Power through MHC Automation
10:55 AM
10:00 AM
Presenters: Chris Rademacher
Your P2P processes could use a power-up! If your supply chain and accounts payable teams are still relying on manual entry, manual triggers, and printing, automation can be the solution to replace your pain points with power. This session will give you insights to learn how MHC, the automation solution provider that can work with your company’s financial and supplies management, can improve visibility, streamline processing, and promote effective communication across departments, customers, and vendors. From processors to your C-suite, this presentation will highlight the possibilities you can achieve through MHC automation.
Technology: RPI - How to get Ready for CloudSuite (v11 Pre-Planning)
10:55 AM
10:00 AM
Presenters: Keith Wayland & Richard Leigh Stout Customers: Infused with Customer Feedback plus the Voice of a K-12 customer success & Energy customer success
Description: With CloudSuite v11 on your horizon, there is no better time to educate your team on how to do the implementation right and get everyone on board for this important journey. Join RPI Partner & Infor Practice Leader, Richard Leigh Stout, and RPI Managing Partner, Keith Wayland, as they discuss a pre-planning framework that will give you the best foundation for a successful go-live on CloudSuite while also leveraging its powerful new capabilities. Unlike previous upgrades, it will require deep engagement from process owners across all functional areas in order to succeed. This is a major leap forward in technology and functionality – it presents a significant opportunity to address pain points across all areas. However, the migration to v11 also represents a significant investment, so we will discuss how to develop the right path, right options, and right scope for this transformational project. Join these dynamic Infor thought leaders as they guide you to the next phase of ERP. Infused with Customer Feedback plus the Voice of a K-12 customer success & Energy customer success.


General: Dashboard Gear - How to Succeed with Reporting/Business Intelligence in a Cloud Based World
11:55 AM
11:00 AM
Presenters: Rich Bendickson
Dashboard Gear will discuss how organizations can position for success when working with CloudSuite data (and premise-based data) with cloud-based reporting tools such as Birst & Power BI.  Also to be discussed will be how to blend on-premise information with cloud based data to deliver 3rd party integration requirements.
HR/HCM/Payroll: RPI - GHR Multi-Tenant Payroll (customer Presentation - Municipal client
11:55 AM
11:00 AM
Presenters: Melissa Olson, Kathy Buitendorp, & team Customers: Infused with Customer Feedback plus the Voice of a City Government customer success
At long last, Payroll is available at v11, and in the Multi-tenant (MT) Cloud. CloudSuite now has it all, so listen and watch the adventure of path to moving one of the last applications to v11 as a City government, with 1000s of employees, moves their Payroll to the Infor Cloud on AWS. Join the RPI team as you explore the product, the tips & tricks, testing, integration point, and all points in-between – live on v11 and in-person. Infused with Customer Feedback plus the Voice of a City Government customer success.
SupplyChain/Finance: Infor - Deep Dive in CloudSuite Supply Management
11:55 AM
11:00 AM
Presenters: Sue Moerlein
We will discuss the features and functionality in CloudSuite Supply Management. You will also gain a better understanding of dashboards, wizards, alerts, notifications and homepages to stay in touch with daily tasks.
Technology: Infor - Lawson System Foundation transition to CU release model
11:55 AM
11:00 AM
Presenters: Rajan Shanmugavelu / Del Dehn
Learn about the Lawson System Foundation (LSF) transition from the annual Service Pack (SP) delivery model to a more frequent customer update (CU) release framework. We will cover topics including the scope and frequency of the CU release, benefits of transitioning to the CU model, how this affects the LSF N-2 maintenance policy, net change report (NCR), product downloads and more.
Grab Lunch / Initial Prize Drawings
12:20 PM
11:55 AM
Infor Update / Working Lunch
12:55 PM
12:20 PM
Presenters: Matt Bragstad
Come see the transformed CloudSuites based on our new Infor CloudSuite Financials & Supply Management.


General: RPI - CloudSuite Migrations 101 (RPI Panel, possibly w/ client)
1:55 PM
1:00 PM
Presenters: Richard Leigh Stout, Stephanie Kowal, & Theresa Nelson Customers: Infused with Customer Feedback plus the Voice of multiple customer successes.
This is your starting point to the transformative potential of CloudSuite, so get off to a good start with the “secret sauce.” A successful migration to the Cloud requires a blend of functional and IT teams, as well as leadership. To tee off this one-of-a-kind series, RPI will try to keep you sane while covering what you need to know for a successful migration: the plan, team, conversions, development, reporting, testing, training, interdependencies and more.
HR/HCM/Payroll: Infor - Modern Payroll – the future is now
1:55 PM
1:00 PM
Presenters: Dan Bruetting
Global HR Payroll is available! Join this session to learn about how we continue to invest in this solution, and what enhancements are planned for 2021 and beyond.
Supply Chain/ Finance: ROI - Bad Boys of Supply Chain
1:55 PM
1:00 PM
Presenters: ROI Supply Chain Experts
Join us for this panel discussion as we explore the leading practices in Supply Management for both CloudSuite FSM and Infor S3 v10. You’ll hear from our functional experts who are working with customers to transform their supply chain processes. You’ll be able to submit questions during the session and hear real-time solutions to your business challenges.
Technology: Bails - The beginner's guide to IPA's 1
1:55 PM
1:00 PM
Presenters: Jared Brock / Robert Schmidt
We will be discussing what IPA's can do fro your business at a high level. We will cover all aspects of Infor Process Automation including architecture, workflows and client applications. This presentation is geared towards business leaders and project managers that are new to IPA's, however those interested in IPA's are welcome to attend.


General: Dashboard Gear - Reporting Options
2:55 PM
2:00 PM
Presenters: Rich Bendickson
Dashboard Gear often finds customers are confused at what options are available for reporting and what can be used and how.  Dashboard Gear will cover various tools, such as Excel, Crystal, SSRS, Birst, IBI, PowerBI, etc and how various Infor customers have utilized them.  Dashboard Gear will cover scenarios for On-Premise customers as well as those in the cloud, both multi-tenant and single tenant.  Bring your questions and examples.
HR/HCM/Payroll: MHC - Stress-Free HR/Payroll Document Creation and Delivery Solutions with MHC Document Self-Service
2:55 PM
2:00 PM
Presenters: Kyle Hartung
At every stage of their journey with your company, your employees need access to personal documents. And every day your Human Resources and Payroll team members work tirelessly to provide documents to colleagues and departments as a service and as a mandate. Yet delivering every single document when an employee needs it can be a struggle even for the most efficient HR and payroll teams.   That’s where MHC’s Document Self-Service (DSS) solution comes to their rescue! Through automation and access, DSS offers functionality to empower administrators, employees, and inactive employees (including terminated resources) with access to manage information like tax documents, contracts or policy agreements, pay stubs, retirement documents, and more. Join this presentation to say goodbye to employee stress through automating your documents with MHC. 
SupplyChain/Finance : Infor - What's New in Payables for Infor CloudSuite Financials V11
2:55 PM
2:00 PM
Presenters: Joe Simpson
Join us to learn how you can work with speed and simplicity in the new Cloudsuite Financials. Find out how its beautiful look and signature features help improve and streamline payables processes.
Technology: Bails - S3 Payroll Migration to GHR with John Soules Foods
2:55 PM
2:00 PM
Presenters: Sherry Allen / Kellie Gilbert
Join Bails and John Soules Foods to hear first-hand Customer experience with the migration of S3 Payroll to GHR payroll. This presentation will cover lessons learned, tips and tricks, along with an opportunity to ask questions
Closing Remarks / Vendor prize drawings / User Group prize drawings
3:30 PM
3:00 PM
Registration for this event is closed


Regulatory Enhancement Request
User Groups


Tuesday, May 18th, 2021 from 9:00 to 3:30 (US/Eastern)


Loring Kaveney
Dave Nelson
Larry Scheetz
Amy NeSmith
Mike Trice
Amanda Gibson
Kimberly Butler, PHR
Denise Cronk
Greg Frueh
Bill Hipple
Kevin Hyland
Mario Battista
Rino La Grassa
Yvonne Cheslog
East Coast User Groups Spring 2021 Virtual Event
