Innovation Insights 2024 - Recurring Weekly Webinar Series 1/31/2024
When: Wednesday, January 31st, 2024 from 11:00 to 12:00 (US/Central)
Innovation Insights 2024 - Recurring Weekly Webinar Series 1/31/2024


Please join us for our weekly Innovation Insights Customer Forum.

Wednesday, January 31 at 12:00 pm ET

Title: Portal v2, Workspace Content, and Toggles – Oh My!

Product Area: CloudSuite Technology & Innovation

Description: A reminder session to help ensure that customers are aware of the new features that have been released into the CloudSuite that are currently available in ‘Trial Mode’. Customers can start exploring and adopting these features ahead of their targeted ‘Live Mode’ dates later this year.  Please bring your questions and concerns to the discussion!

These webinars are open to customers, partners and Inforians alike. All of our meetings are recorded, and those recordings (and the presentation collateral) are posted to our master KB article linked below. 

This recurring meeting invite can be forwarded to additional participants within your organization as needed. However, if you wish for those additional participants to be included in any ad-hoc events (and we have many), or included in our email newsletters and updates, then please send their names and email addresses to me ( directly and I will add them to the regular distribution.  

Thank you for your support of the Innovation Insights Customer Forum!


Registration for this event is closed


Regulatory Enhancement Request
User Groups


Wednesday, January 31st, 2024 from 11:00 to 12:00 (US/Central)



Yvonne Cheslog
Hans Mueller
Innovation Insights 2024 - Recurring Weekly Webinar Series 1/31/2024
