See How Easily You Can Organize Important Documents While Working From Anywhere
When: Wednesday, June 23rd, 2021 from 1:00 to 1:45 (US/Central)
See How Easily You Can Organize Important Documents While Working From Anywhere


See How Easily You Can Organize Important Documents While Working From Anywhere

Wednesday, June 23
1:00 - 1:30 PM CT

Today it’s easier to work from anywhere than ever before. Important documents and records can be saved to a local hard drive, cloud folder, network folder, email folders and the list goes on and on. Although this freedom can make working remotely easier in some ways, it can make organizing and tracking documents far more difficult than ever before. That’s where MHC and a document management system comes in. 

Whether you’re trying to manage paper documents, or even just poorly organized digital documents, these inefficiencies can cost your organization time, money, and headaches. Our live presentation at 1:00 PM CT on June 23 will share how your remote workforce can capture, store, retrieve, and distribute digital documents. We’ll even share how to quickly and easily provide employees, customers, and vendors with the information they need.

You’ll see how a quality document management system could be the best way resolve these issues now. Don’t be left behind, it’s time to nip these issues in the bud.



Regulatory Enhancement Request
User Groups


Wednesday, June 23rd, 2021 from 1:00 to 1:45 (US/Central)



Loring Kaveney
Sheryl Westerhouse
See How Easily You Can Organize Important Documents While Working From Anywhere
