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Sun, November, 1st 2020


Forum Question/Topic:


PA52.5 - Multiple Position Upload Template

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I am struggling to locate a working PA52.5 upload template (Personal Actions for multiple positions) . Does anyone have one to share?
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Eric Lopez 🇺🇸 likes this.
Hello Lacey - If you don't receive any answers in the next day or so, I would be happy to post the question to the entire community. Please let me know😀
Hi Lacey - Last year a colleague shared with me a PA52.1 Individual Action upload template along with an old KB article 558814 "PA52: How do I upload an Action with Addins". Looking at both of these resources I was able to get past several issues I was struggling with on my addins - like how to force an 'inquire' and how to identify the value to include in a 'hidden key' field. I don't know that they will entirely meet your need for PA52.5, but I considered both of these resources  Read more...really invaluable. I'd be happy to share these with you. Show less...
Hello. If this can be shared to an extended audience, that would be GREAT! Thank you.
Hello Lacey - I am happy to share this with the entire community😀 Thank you! Loring
Hi Lacey,
I can probably locate a PA52 upload template for you if you haven't been able to find.

Eric Krohn
