2021 IMSUG Spring Virtual Meeting
When: Thursday, May 6th, 2021 from 10:00 to 11:00 (US/Central)
2021 IMSUG Spring Virtual Meeting


Infor Mid-South User Group members,

Please join us for our first webinar of 2021 on May 6th, 10:00 am cst to 11:00 am cst. The IMSUG board will give an update on the group, discuss the upcoming East Coast Mega meeting, and Yvonne Cheslog, will be on hand to discuss the enhancement requests and overview and demo of the new community site

At the conclusion of the event, we will have time to discuss and vote on any enhancement request that your company would like Infor to implement. Group members will be able to present their enhancement requests. Please make sure you have the enhancement request and number so as a group, we can vote on it. 

We look forward to connecting with you again. 


10:00 am to 10:20 am-- IMSUG group updates

10:20 am to 10:35 am-- Infor update and demo by Yvonne Cheslog

10:35 am to 10:55 am- Enhancement Requests presentation and voting.

10:55 am to 11:00 am-- Closing remarks. 


Registration for this event is closed


Regulatory Enhancement Request
User Groups


Thursday, May 6th, 2021 from 10:00 to 11:00 (US/Central)



Jason Griffin
Jeremy Townsend
Yvonne Cheslog
2021 IMSUG Spring Virtual Meeting
