Dashboard Gear

Since June, 2015 Silver Partner

Dashboard Gear

Intelligent & Creative

Dashboard Gear has been providing primarily Infor / Lawson Business Intelligence, Reporting, and Data Warehouse consulting since 2007.  Much of the consulting work performed for Infor / Lawson Software customers resulted in the creation of custom Data Warehouses (Data Marts) using the client’s financial data.  Dashboard Gear started selling a packaged Data Warehouse (Data Mart) for Infor / Lawson Software General Ledger data; this was followed by Data Marts for Human Resource/Payroll, and Procurement data.

Dashboard Gear reporting toolkits make Infor / Lawson reporting simple and efficient.  These tools create a data warehouse out of production data from your Infor / Lawson ERP applications.  The Warehouse can be updated as often as you want, and will take less than a week to get started, when using Dashboard Gear.

Once in place, a Dashboard Gear data warehouse unlocks the power of all popular Business Intelligence (BI) tools. With Dashboard Gear, your business users can easily create unique queries, perform serious data analysis, and create sophisticated dashboards.  There is no other product that matches the capability, completeness, ease of installation, or cost effectiveness like Dashboard Gear.

Founder of Dashboard Gear, Rich Bendickson, is a recognized industry leader in Business Intelligence, Data Warehousing, and Infor / Lawson reporting.  Bendickson and his associates have numerous years of Infor / Lawson reporting experience.

Dashboard Gears' History

Building a seamless data reporting layer for our ERP system
