Dashboard Gear

Since June, 2015 Silver Partner

Dashboard Gear

How do you get analysis results like this from your Infor/Lawson data?

Financial Reporting Platform is the answer!

Tens of thousands of totals are stored in the Dashboard Gear Financial Reporting Platform waiting for you to uncover what you need in seconds! Everything you need to report on in GL and AC is available. Because most of the RW100 pre-calculated values are included, you can use Crystal Reports without having to pre-process RW100! Report distribution just got easier and faster. Many of our customers use MS Excel for their Ad Hoc reporting and Crystal Reports for detailed and production reports that must be distributed.

Reporting & Analysis Dimensions

  • Companies

  • Accounts

  • Years

  • Periods

  • Actuals

  • Account Units

  • Sub Accounts

  • Quarters

  • Activities

  • Budgets

  • Alternate Rollups

Included Measures

  • Actual Amounts and Units
  • Prior Year Amounts and Units

  • Actual to Prior Amounts and Unit

  • Actual to Budget Amounts and Units

  • Budget Amounts and Units

  • YTD Amounts

  • Period End Balances

  • Prior Year YTD Amounts

Unlimited user-defined dimensions

Based upon General Ledger Attributes such as Person Responsible, Geography, Hospital, etc.


Connect to our data layer with any reporting tool you desire. SQL Server Reporting Services, Crystal Reports, Tableau, Cognos, Infor AppStudio, Microsoft Excel. with Dashboard Gear Reporting Platform you have flexibility and scalability of your reporting environment.

New to Infor/Lawson?


As a newer Lawson customer you are probably starting to develop a large report library for Lawson that will eventually number in the hundreds. Rather than wrestle with the complex transactional table structures, now is the time to better understand how a Lawson reporting and analytic data warehouse would benefit your user community. Reports that took hours and days now take minutes using MS Excel, Crystal Reports, or other tools. The payback on a Dashboard Gear data warehouse for an organization just going live on Lawson is almost immediate.

System Requirements

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The system works with Infor / Lawson General Ledger 8.x, 9.x or 10.x systems.  The reporting and solution requires a Microsoft SQL Server 2008, 2008r2, 2012 or 2014 system with ODBC/OLEDB connectivity to the source Lawson tables. 

Optionally, if Microsoft Analysis Services Cubes are desired the requirements of the reporting solution must be met.  In addition, Microsoft Analysis Services must be installed and a Local OLAP Administrator user must be available to create Analysis Databases and Cubes.
