Dashboard Gear

Since June, 2015 Silver Partner

Dashboard Gear

Difficulty getting Audit Data, As-of-Reporting or just basic HCM analysis?

HR/PR/BN Reporting Platform has all of this and more!

Most of us in the Lawson community know that ‘as of date’ reporting for Lawson HR is constantly requested by senior management and difficult to produce. There is no simple way using Crystal Reports or any other reporting tool to create reports that reflect the value of a piece of data at a given point in time, not its current value. For example, a report listing employees and their employee status as of a given date, or turnover and head count trending by month, quarter and year. With Dashboard Gear’s cost effective solution, HR Management Dashboards with drill down capabilities are relatively easy to create.

Reporting & Analysis Dimensions

  • Age

  • Tenure

  • Positions

  • User Fields

  • Pay Periods

  • Work States

  • EEO Classes

  • Organization

  • GL Attributes

  • Marital Status

  • Able / Disabled

  • Employee Status

  • GL Account Codes

  • Employee Listing

  • Performance Scores

  • Action Reason Codes

  • Job Codes / Classes

  • Supervisor Structure

Included Measures

  • Head count

  • Turnover by Period

  • New Hires

  • Compensation

  • Company Deductions

  • FTE Counts

  • Turnover Rolling Average

  • Promotions

  • Employee Deductions

  • Additional Custom Measures (at setup)

A complete HCM Reporting Data Layer Solution

Dashboard Gear empowers your leadership by delivering relevant and timely HCM data, allowing for better informed decisions.


Connect to our data layer with any reporting tool you desire. SQL Server Reporting Services, Crystal Reports, Tableau, Cognos, Infor AppStudio, Microsoft Excel. with Dashboard Gear Reporting Platform you have flexibility and scalability of your reporting environment.

Unlock the Data in Lawson Talent Management

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If you have tried to do audit reporting or reporting on encoded data from Infor Lawson Global Human Resources (GHR) or any of the other Lawson Talent Management applications, you know how hard it can be to retrieve the data out. 

Much of the most useful information such as change history and employee demographical information is either stored in large binary fields that cannot be easily extrapolated by standard reporting methods. Or, if you are just trying to understand the relationship between BusinessClasses and the database tables, the limited documentation and obscurity of relationships can lead to very extended development timelines for your reports.

With the Dashboard Gear HR/PR/BN Lawson Reporting Platform you have all this information at your fingertips. Build your audit report in minutes instead of weeks and spend your time making it look beautiful or adding more robust features like charting or just take the time you saved and go home early!

System Requirements

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The system works with Infor / Lawson HR/PR 8.x, 9.x and 10.x systems.  The reporting and solution requires a Microsoft SQL Server 2008, 2008r2, 2012 or 2014 system with ODBC/OLEDB connectivity to the source Lawson tables. 

Optionally, if Microsoft Analysis Services Cubes are desired the requirements of the reporting solution must be met.  In addition, Microsoft Analysis Services must be installed and a Local OLAP Administrator user must be available to create Analysis Databases and Cubes.
