Infor Midwest User Group

Since June, 2015

Infor Midwest User Group

Infor Midwest User Group


As Amended on November 6, 2009


The Infor Midwest User Group is an organization, independent of Infor/Lawson, dedicated to maximizing the benefits from the use of Infor/Lawson products. The purpose of the group is to:

  • Network - Provide opportunities for clients to exchange ideas, strategies and experiences.
  • Train - Enhance user understanding of Infor/Lawson's products, services, future direction and third party business partners.
  • Feedback - Consolidate and communicate priorities for enhancements and software fixes to Infor/Lawson.
  • Impact - Partner with Infor/Lawson in developing a vision for the software.


  1. Membership
    • Membership is open to all companies interested in Infor/Lawson products.
    • Voting membership is open to companies actively using Infor/Lawson enterprise products for their daily operations.
    • Each voting member company will be allowed one vote per company for User Group issues.
  2. User Group Board
    • The user group will be administered by a five person User Group Board composed of the following:
      • Chair and Global User Group Representative - (to be elected every odd year)
      • Vice-Chair and Events Coordinator - (to be elected every odd year
      • Administrative Officer - (to be elected every even year)
      • Treasurer and Membership Coordinator - (to be elected every odd year)
      • User Collaboration and Focus Group Coordinator - (to be elected every even year)
    • The term of service for each position will be two years.
    • The Chair should be elected from the current User Group Board membership to provide continuity and it is highly recommended that the Vice-Chair and Events Coordinator be from the current User Group Board membership. All other positions will be open for nominations from any voting member organization.
    • In the event of the early opening of a User Group Board position (i.e. job change) an interim officer may be appointed by the User Group Board.
    • A single voting member company may hold no more than one User Group Board position simultaneously.
    • All User Group Board positions are volunteer positions. No monetary consideration will be given to the individual. The board will determine remuneration of member's participatory expenses.
    • In accordance with the Global User Group bylaws, the Chair must be an employee of a Lawson client and cannot be a consultant for Infor/Lawson products.
    • User Group Board members must attend 75% of all activities to maintain their positions. Exceptions may be made for extenuating circumstances by a majority vote of the User Group Board.
    • User Group Board responsibilities include planning the meeting agenda and location, recruiting presenters, representing the User Group's interest in communications with Infor/Lawson Management and administering the group in a fiscally responsible manner. Individual responsibilities are as follows:
      • Chair and Global User Group Representative
        • Moderate meetings.
        • Represent the User Group's interest in communications with Infor/Lawson Management by serving as the Infor Midwest User Group representative on the Infor Global User Group board. The Representative's responsibilities will be dictated by the bylaws of the Global User Group.
        • Assist the Vice-Chair and Events Coordinator as needed.
      • Vice-Chair and Events Coordinator
        • Assist the Chair and Global User Group Representative as needed.
        • Coordinate Web publications with Infor/Lawson Representative.
        • Coordinate Agenda Topics.
        • Coordinate registration website with website provider.
        • Manage event projects.
        • Manage event website and registrations.
        • Responsible for communication to group (distribute meeting notifications, updates, and other info as necessary).
      • Administrative Officer
        • Handle correspondence.
        • Maintain archive of correspondence & minutes.
        • Coordinate AV equipment and any other special requirements for user group meetings.
        • Coordinate Thank You notes.
        • Coordinate food and beverages at meeting site.
        • Coordinate meeting head counts for planning purposes.
      • Treasurer and Membership Coordinator
        • Maintain membership database and payment status.
        • Perform mailings for User Group Board as necessary including meeting notification and invoicing of annual and meeting dues.
        • Perform Treasury function for the group
      • User Collaboration and Focus Group Coordinator
        • Provide direction for Focus Group Facilitators.
        • Research new methods and improve existing methods for Lawson clients to:
          • Contact each other
          • Share knowledge and experiences that are both technical and business application oriented.
          • Share products developed for use in the Lawson application environment (e.g. reports, programs, scripts, training materials, documentation)
        • Coordinate appropriate breakout rooms at meeting site
  3. Annual Dues
    • Annual dues will be $300 per member company, to be reviewed on an annual basis.
    • Money collected as dues will be used to cover the cost of communications, national user group dues and expenses, expenses for planning and coordinating any multi-day conferences, meeting room rental and speaker fees as necessary.
    • Five meals per meeting per member company will be included in the annual dues.
    • In the event of the dissolution of the Infor Midwest User Group, the reserve balance shall be donated to a recognized charitable organization.
  4. Meetings
    • Meetings will be held quarterly or more often on an as needed basis.
    • Attendees should register attendance with the Vice-Chair and Events Coordinator at least one week prior to each meeting.
    • Each voting member may submit agenda items for User Group Meetings to the Vice-Chair and Events Coordinator.
    • Final meeting agendas will be sent to voting members prior to the meeting date.
    • The annual dues cover the first five attendees per company. Each additional company attendee will be assessed a minimum fee of $30 per meeting. User Group Board members' lunch fees are waived.
    • Any attendees that are not from a member company will be charged a minimum fee of $50 per person to attend.
    • Any non-vendor member company that is selected to present at a meeting will be entitled to receive the following year's membership in the User Group at no charge.
    • Vendors may be charged a fee to present at meetings and presenting vendors may have an information table at the meeting in which they are presenting. This excludes any multi-day conferences.
    • The goal of the User Group Board is to eliminate or keep meeting fees as low as possible. Consistent with this goal, companies with appropriate resources and facilities may be asked to host a user group meeting. A meeting host can invite up to 20 attendees from their company free of charge.
    • The User Group Board reserves the right to request an additional meeting assessment based upon meeting content, length and location.
    • Networking or developing contacts to exchange ideas will be encouraged.
    • Vendors invited to present at meetings will not be permitted to prospect from our User Group list. Vendors will be allowed, however, to leave their business cards with interested users after their presentations.
  5. Bylaws Amendments
    • Amendments to these bylaws must be presented, in writing, to the Administrative Officer prior to the next scheduled User Group Meeting.
    • Amendments to these bylaws may be made by a majority vote of the voting member companies present at the meeting.
    • Proposals for amendments should be presented to all voting members prior to voting.
