Join us for this overview of Infor Contract Management, which will include the features & functionality, and how your organization can take advantage of it a...
This session focuses on the business user and how to take advantage of the powerful Infor Process Automation tool to take automation of your business process...
For most organization the move to Global HR (GHR) or CloudSuite HCM is just the first step and the enabler to really take Human Capital Operations to new lev...
Join Master Landmark Sleuth, Matt Slazak and HCM Practice Manager, Melissa Olson as they walk through tips and tricks for unlocking data stored in Landmark B...
Infor's Global HR will provide the foundation for a workforce that is aligned strategically with your organization's mission. But how can you ensure that you...
Lawson 10x has an all new web UI in Ming.le 12 and it has the look! We'll explore some new features in Ming.le and focus on how they benefit the Lawson 10x c...