Purchasing cards are an increasingly common method of procurement and payment. Benefits range from purchase control and maximized savings to expedited payments and reduced processing costs. During this webinar, you learn the difference in p-cards as ...
A complement to the Financials differences webinar, Michael Carnock and Brittney Cruz will take you through the Supply Management side of Infor's new product...
Jackie Dudas and Janna Hartsock will take you through the Infor Lawson Compensation Management module–part of the Global HR Talent Management Suite aka Cloud...
A little bit about me personally. I'm twelve years as a Lawson system administrator on LSF. I started with version 7.3.3 environment and 7.2.4 applications. I've been through several major upgrades though that, you can see the list here. Also, since I've been at Hershey I've been a part of some major implementations. Implemented LBI, mobile supply chain just recently. Actually our hospital had it and then decommissioned it and then purchased it again. We implemen
Top 10 Lawson SCM musts! Ever feel like you're on the island of misfit toys? Join us to learn about 10 projects every Lawson MM department should do to optimize their system and maximize ROI.
Jackie Dudas and Janna Harstock will take you through the Infor Lawson Compensation Management module--part of the Global HR Talent Management Suite aka Clou...