Get ready for Lawson 10x Chris Gordon goes in depth on the Financial Modules for version 10x. --Ming.le --New Navigation Funcionality --Features & Updates Vi...
You have already invested in Infor Process Automation (IPA) and you have some basic flows, so now what? Learn from recognized experts, Jeremy Stoltzfus & Ric...
*Knock-Knock* Trick or treat! RPI's great SCM and Technical minds join forces to show how you can seriously up your RQC. Approval game. They cover all the tools the cool kids can use to bring the fireworks to level up RQC, IPA and your nearest inbask...
… but when I do, I prefer 10 Equis. Join us for this jam packed technical session filled with decision points essential to anyone on their way to 10. Highlights include server environment/architecture, Ming.le/SharePoint integration with Portal, Landmark, IPA, and ISS. Part of our Cinco de Mayo Day of Webinars.
Learn more about how about RPI can help you upgrade to Infor 10x at
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Join Stephanie Kowal and Keith Wayland to learn the top 10 awesome things you can do with your existing Supply Chain & Procurement v10x applications – some a...
Join RPI's Jackie Dudas and Chris Gordon for an overview of the capabilities of these two products. Starting with a brief overview of Add-ins and sharing a few tips and tricks that you might not know, they will then show you the Landmark reporting equivalent of Spreadsheet Designer. Spreadsheet Designer will give you direct access to your Landmark data. Learn the basics of how to leverage this tool in your organization, and some tricks to the most out of your data on the Landmark platform.