Molly Velasco Nordic
Optimization of our clients ERP systems is one of the key focus areas for the Bails team. We recently helped a health system in Louisiana optimize their use of the Health and Safety module within their Infor product. A team of both functional and technical consultants worked alongside the client to develop an automated process for completion of the Health and Safety components required of new employees.
The team was able to create a configured Pre-Employment information screen that  Read more...allowed for the collection of Occupational Health information prior to the candidate becoming an employee. Once a candidate was hired, the automated process evaluated the information gathered and determined whether the employee needed to complete, waive, or skip the available Resource Health Components. This automation reduced the need for paper files along with eliminating the duplication of work and data entry.
Is your organization interested in optimization? Contact Bails to learn more about automation and your future application needs.
#Bails #INFOR #ERP #HCM #GHR #InforPartner #HRTalent #Cloudsuite
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