


SOX Compliance - User Access Review (UAR)

We went live on CloudSuite FSM several months ago and are going through our first SOX User Access Review with our external auditors (E&Y). We are encountering some challenges in a couple areas. First, from the User Management area, the only option for a report of all users and their roles is manually creating a csv file. From our interaction with Infor we know of no way to automate this (short of a bot script) or to get the report as a pdf. Since there is manual intervention, this brings  Read more...into question the completeness and accuracy of the UAR. Second, between standard roles and our custom roles we have about 350 roles available through User Management. E&Y has requested a listing of all roles and their description. I have not been able to find a single source (on-line or in documentation) where I can at least get all of the standard roles. I have had to cobble together a list from numerous sources (both online and documentation) to comply with this request. On an ongoing basis there should be a simpler way to get at this information - I dread having to update this for each UAR we have to do. I'm hoping there is someone out there in Inforland who is required to do UARs, preferably with E&Y, who can provide some guidance on how they have tackled these challenges and how they handle the UAR process in general. Thanks for listening... Show less...
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