Tag: AP (Messages)

Articles 1
Events 2
Groups 1
Messages 54


Tue, February, 1st 2022

Molly Velasco Announcement from: Nordic
Bails' INFORmative Fridays webinar series starts up again this Friday, February 4th! Join us at 1p ET for an Introduction to Account Payable (AP) Check Printing through Infor Document Management (IDM).
This session will review using IDM to print Accounts Payable checks from within the Infor Financial and Supply Management (FSM) application.
To register, email molly.velasco@bailsllc.com to receive a webinar link.  Read more... #INFORmativeFridays #Bails #FCM #IDM #AP
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Group: Nordic
Tue, February, 2nd 2021

Rachel Moore Announcement from: MHC
Eliminate paper invoices. Those three words are music to any AP professional's ears, and it can be done through effective #AP automation. We should know, because it's what we do!
Group: MHC
Thu, November, 26th 2020

Taylor Pettis Announcement from: MHC
Do you know the impact that your accounts payable department has on your business? What about the difference between #AccountsPayable and #AccountsReceivable? Discover everything about #AP in our ultimate guide!
Group: MHC
Fri, September, 23rd 2016
