Tag: TreatNotTrick (Messages)

Messages 2


Mon, November, 1st 2021

Does the thought of an upcoming ERP Implementation have you spooked? Bails’ proprietary project implementation methodology will shine the light of day and drive the project goblins away! Happy Halloween from #Bails and the #Nordic family of companies! We help you turn what might feel like a Trick into a Treat! Read more... #ERP #Infor #HealthTech #Tasman #TreatNotTrick Show less...
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Sun, October, 31st 2021

Happy Halloween from #Bails and the @Nordic_Global family of companies! When it comes to #Infor #ERP implementations, don’t be spooked! Bails’ proprietary project methodology can help you turn what might feel like a Trick into a Treat! @healthtech_inc Read more... #Tasman #TreatNotTrick https://t.co/S4lf7uIank Show less...
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