Tag: GHR (Articles)

Articles 26
Blogs 1
Events 8
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Messages 74
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Videos 37


  • Approvals are a Breeze with Infor CloudSuite
    Invoice approvals are something that we've worked on with many organizations over the last two decades. When I started at RPI, helping with the shared...
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  • Successful CloudSuite Projects Start with Engaged Leads & Users
    Recently, we discussed why it is so important to choose the right super users for a GHR Payroll implementation. These are the people who should be inv...
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  • Establishing your Essential Data for a Clean Conversion
    During CloudSuite implementations in the past, several clients have asked us to bring all of their historical data over to the new system. Obviously t...
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  • Choosing the Right Functional Team Leads & Super Users is Crucial for a Payroll Implementation
    For an organization going through a GHR payroll implementation, ensuring the right people are at the table doing the work is so crucial to the success...
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  • Making the Business Case for Multi-Tenant Payroll
    How exactly does one make the business case for implementing the new GHR payroll solution? The first step is knowing exactly what this project entails...
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  • How does Legacy Data get onto the Cloud?
    We’ve discussed a lot about implementing GHR Multi-Tenant Payroll on this blog, so let’s dive into some of the specifics of the system. Payroll Histor...
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  • Responsibilities of a Functional Team Lead for GHR Payroll
    Now that we've covered why implementing GHR Payroll is different than previous versions, let's discuss defining your project team and what their respo...
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  • What makes implementing GHR Payroll different than previous versions?
    If there is one takeaway you have from our CloudSuite HCM blog, it's not to wait until S3 is decommissioned to begin preparing for the upgrade to v11....
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  • Considerations Before Selecting a Go-Live Date for GHR Payroll
    Last week, we discussed how to create the business case for GHR Payroll. One of the most important questions to answer is when do you think you can im...
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  • How to Create the Business Case for GHR Payroll
    You know what the end game is when it comes to migrating your payroll processes to the cloud, but sometimes it can be hard to articulate the reasons f...
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  • Some Pros & Cons of GHR Payroll
    Since we've covered the reasons you should care about GHR Payroll, let's discuss some pros & cons. If you're on-premises today (which a lot of people ...
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  • Why You Should Care About Global HR Payroll
    Let's talk through what a CloudSuite HCM project looks like from the perspective of the implementation partner. RPI has been involved at executive man...
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  • Action Reversals in Infor Global HR
    The next thing we're going to discuss around data correction is action reversals. An example of when you would need this is to reinstate an employee i...
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  • Ensuring the Audit Log is Up to Date within Multi-Tenant Payroll
    We have covered several topics concerning the multi-tenant payroll system, such as handling the true scope of data correction and handling the effecti...
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  • Canceling a Future Action in GHR Multi-Tenant Payroll
    We discussed how to properly handle the effective dated queue last week, so let’s cover canceling an action in there. If you realize that something wa...
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  • The Core of the Infor Government Essentials Program
    We have already introduced you to the Infor Government Essentials program and discussed how it encompasses the core scope of an ERP project. We’re goi...
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  • Handling the Effective Dated Queue Correctly
    In our ongoing conversation around data correction within the multi-tenant payroll system, we discussed how the effective dated queue impacts the tota...
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  • Understanding the Total Scope of Data Correction
    Last week, we introduced data correction in GHR and what some of your first steps should be. It is important to understand the total scope of the corr...
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  • Data Correction in the GHR System
    Following our discussion around inputting historical payroll data, we want to go over correcting data within the GHR system. Our general approach is t...
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  • How to Properly Purge Data in GHR Multi-Tenant Payroll
    In our ongoing conversation around Payroll History Import, we spoke last week about how to handle purging tables. I’d like to bring your attention to ...
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  • The Process of Payroll History Import within GHR
    We have previously discussed Payroll History Import and the way it processes pending payments. Let’s take a closer look at how that works within GHR. ...
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  • Inforum 2019: A look back at Infor's customer conference
    New Orleans, home to Inforum 2019, was the place to be the last week in September, especially for Infor partners, customers, and employees. It was a ...
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  • Here's the 4-1-1: Everything you need to know about Inforum 2019 in New Orleans
    The 90s were a great time and if you’re heading to Inforum 2019, get ready for a taste of nostalgia! While modern-era, game-changing applications in...
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  • Update from the Infor (Lawson) User Group Circuit
    The Infor (Lawson) user groups have been a long-time industry staple for Lawson users to share how they are getting greater value from their Infor s...
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  • V11: Prepare for Your Future and Secure Your Data, Upgrade with LEGACY.S3
    V11 is here! While you think your company might not be ready to make the move, it is important to plan for the future. This begs the question, what ar...
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  • Have You Made the Switch to ADFS from LS as STS Yet? 45 Days Left!
    According to Infor Support (Infor Xtreme), Effective March 1st, 2019, Infor plans to stop providing discrepancy corrections and updates for the Lawson...
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  • Stay Informed: Everything You Need to Know While at Infor Winter Showcase
    Infor Winter Showcase markets itself as the ultimate professional development experience, and for good reason. The three-day event includes product r...
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  • A Step in the Right Direction
    This past week, I spent three days in New York City at Infor’s Executive Offices. It was a great visit, and the weather ranged from 30 to 70 degrees...
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  • What makes implementing GHR Payroll different than previous versions?
    If there is one takeaway you have from our CloudSuite HCM blog, it's not to wait until S3 is decommissioned to begin preparing for the upgrade to v11....
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