After one full year of imagination, re-imagination, planning, developing, and pulling together as a team, we are ready to begin launching WorkOutLoud… and we kick it off while further launching two enterprise communities representing more than 30K customers. A very exciting time for WorkOutLoud and our customers.
What is WorkOutLoud?
WorkOutLoud is Enterprise Collaboration with a focus on Customer Collaboration. We are a platform for your business that has your URL, your branding, logos, your policies, your data and of course, your customers - all delivered from the cloud.
Why is WorkOutLoud different?
The difference between WorkOutLoud and other social communities is our unique focus on you and enhancing your relationship with your customers. We help you deliver world-class collaboration functionality directly to your customers. We do this as an integrated function of your brand.
The functionality we deliver helps your organization improve products, and services by collaborating directly with your customers. Your customers can further experience value by connecting and collaborating with other customers to share challenges and create solutions together.
Over the coming weeks
Over the coming weeks, we will begin sharing some of our unique values and our vision that we believe will help your organization raise the bar on customer experience and differentiate you from the crowd.
#WorkOutLoud #100TimesBetter #Enterprise
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