The WorkOutLoud Foundry is...

an optional set of authentication tools, API’s, and integration capabilities that allow your development team to seamlessly integrate your systems into WorkOutLoud.  It is a built-in set of tools to make integration simpler and more effective.

Technically speaking

Case in point: Your system tracks what product a customer uses.  The product category comes from your CRM or ERP system.  By creating an integration path between your data and WorkOutLoud, you can integrate and cross-reference data held and defined by you in WorkOutLoud to your core data that represents your system of record.

Why does this matter?

It matters because, in almost every case, there comes a need to do some integration between your existing systems and WorkOutLoud.  The WorkOutLoud Foundry is designed to make that integration straightforward, accurate, and timely.

#WorkOutLoud #100TimesBetter #WOLFoundry