Here Comes the Sun! How Your P2P Can Recover from a Story Year
When: Thursday, December 9th, 2021 from 1:00 to 1:30 (US/Central)
Here Comes the Sun! How Your P2P Can Recover from a Story Year


Here Comes the Sun! How Your P2P Can Recover from a Stormy Year

Thursday, December 9, 2021 1:00-1:30PM CT

Between a second year of COVID-19 and unprecedented supply chain issues, procure-to-pay teams faced a lot of unique challenges in 2021. So much energy was put into battening down the hatches and just riding out the storm. But what if you had been prepared? How much different would 2021 have felt?

With no true end of these inclement conditions in sight, what can your P2P team do to get ahead of the weather and coast into 2022?

MHC and Levvel Research have joined forces to share insight into why 2021 was so difficult for so many P2P teams across the globe and what solutions are available to ensure you’re equipped for whatever weather the future may blow your way.

Take advantage of the lessons we learned over the past 365 days to set your company up for many successful years to come by.

Register for this free webinar and become a port in the P2P storm, guiding your team from rough weather to sunnier days.



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Thursday, December 9th, 2021 from 1:00 to 1:30 (US/Central)



Loring Kaveney
Here Comes the Sun! How Your P2P Can Recover from a Story Year
