Southwest User Group (SWUG) Virtual Meeting
When: Friday, December 9th, 2022 from 10:00 to 4:00 (US/Central)
Southwest User Group (SWUG) Virtual Meeting



Friday - December 9th, 2022

SWUG Board Welcome And Vendor Introductions and LGUG Update, SWUG President - Ruma Malhotra, Children's Dallas and General Session Introduction, Infor update - Infor
11:00 AM
10:00 AM
Ruma Malhotra Loring Kaveney Jonathan Andersen Ruma Malhotra
Archiving Lawson Data
11:55 AM
11:00 AM
Nogalis, Angeli Menta When upgrading to CloudSuite (or any new ERP), you will need a plan for what to do with your historical data before you can decommission your Lawson servers. You want a data archive that is intuitive, accessible, secure and accurate. In this session you will learn how many Lawson clients have archived their entire Lawson applications and decommissioned their Lawson servers
Angeli Menta Tan Rezaei Desi Houze
Infor’s FSM & GHR Development Toolboxes are great. Knowing when and how to use them is better.
11:55 AM
11:00 AM
Apex - Massimo Emilione This session walks attendees through key decisions to determine the best time and proper use of IDM, IPA, Configuration Console, LPL, Birst, Compass, App Studio, and other tools available to users within the Infor CloudSuite system. Join Apex Systems Practice Director Massimo Emilione as he describes the Do's and Dont's for each tool.
Massimo Emilione
Take advantage of new Infor OS Cloud packaging
11:55 AM
11:00 AM
Infor, Infor OS now offers more functionality than ever, with App Development and Coleman AI capabilities built into your Cloudsuite. User limits have also been removed for most features allowing you to maximize innovation across your business. You can even monitor usage of core services via online dashboards. Don’t know where to begin with the new AI capabilities? Infor OS now offers augmented data science services for your business to build and maintain solutions for you. We will discuss how to leverage all OS has to offer, examine other customer’s success stories, and answer questions about what your future innovation path may look like.
Keith Knuth
1:00 PM
12:00 PM
Best practices for a Clinically Integrated Supply Chain
2:00 PM
1:00 PM
Bails. Dave Thomas and Michael O’Toole The ERP is a critical driver for successful clinical documentation and charge capture of supplies and implants in your EMR. With supply costs commonly the second leading expense after labor, being good data stewards of your item master along with tight system integration and strong collaboration with your clinical and revenue cycle partners, your Supply Chain team can help improve patient safety and financial health measures. On this call our Infor and EMR experts will discuss best practices for how your organization can leverage Infor SCM to create a clinically integrated supply chain, drive down costs, and improve revenue capture.
Dave Thomas Michael OToole
Infor Configuration Console - Overview
2:00 PM
1:00 PM
Infor, Learn about Infor Configuration Console and its capabilities to personalize, configure and extend your Infor Landmark based applications. We will discuss using Infor Configuration Console to configure the user experience, add user defined fields and business classes, build web services and configure security policies.
Don Peterson
What's new for Infor Payroll?
2:00 PM
1:00 PM
Infor HR Payroll continues to be extended and enhanced since being launched in December 2019. Join this session to learn how we continue to invest in this product and what is planned for 2022 and beyond. 
Dan Bruetting
“Simplifying Your Infor CloudSuite (Landmark) Audit Reporting”
3:00 PM
2:00 PM
"Kinsey, Guy Henson ​Join over 100+ Infor/Lawson clients who have implemented our S3 and/or CloudSuite/Landmark solutions!!! Available on-premise, single tenant or multi-tenant environments! - ​Activity Monitor - Security Reporting - Security Auditing - Segregation of Duties - Transaction Auditing"
Guy Henson Dan Kinsey Dan Kinsey
Infor General Ledger Financial Reporting and Operational Reporting Capabilities
3:00 PM
2:00 PM
Infor has made significant investments in both General Ledger and Operational Reporting capabilities. Attend this session to learn how to use the right tool to get the most data out of Infor in a meaningful manner.
Jamie Buckley Demonte Miller
Tips & Techniques: Learn to harness Infor Financials & Supply Management
3:00 PM
2:00 PM
Infor, Come to this visit to learn form product experts on common practices, important configuration considerations, and options available for making more efficient use of Infor Financials & Supply Management.
Ryan Kellogg
Cancelled - Round Table Discussion/Ask The Experts - Technology
3:30 PM
3:00 PM
Cancelled - Round Table Discussion/Ask The Experts - Functional (Financial)
3:30 PM
3:00 PM
Cancelled - Round Table Discussion/Ask the Experts - Functional (Supply Chain)
3:30 PM
3:00 PM
Fall Mixer @ Chill Bar! 814 S Main St, Grapevine, TX 76051
6:30 PM
4:30 PM
Registration for this event is closed


Regulatory Enhancement Request
User Groups


Friday, December 9th, 2022 from 10:00 to 4:00 (US/Central)


Loring Kaveney
Ruma Malhotra
Yvonne Cheslog
Southwest User Group (SWUG) Virtual Meeting
