Western Infor User Group Fall Meeting - November 15-16th, 2023
When: Wednesday, November 15th, 2023 → Thursday, November 16th, 2023
Western Infor User Group Fall Meeting - November 15-16th, 2023


**Open To All Infor Customers**
Registration is Free for Infor Customers!
November 15th - 16th, 2023

Please Join the Western Infor User Group Fall Meeting


 2023 WIUG Welcome Packet Download 

MAPS - Western Infor User Group 2023 Conference Maps Here

PLEASE NOTE: We advise all attendees to shuttle over or park in the guest area on the south side of the buildings (by the flags/fountain/main entry), and if not available, you can use employee parking and will have to walk around to the main entry (the other doors only open with staff badging).

Special Thank You To The Following Sponsors: Grant Thornton for our Happy Hour & Barcodes for the Grab and Go Lunch!

We look forward to connecting, learning, and sharing best practices together.

Location: St. Luke's Central Plaza, 720 E Park Blvd, Boise, Idaho 83712 

Come join us for strategic conversations with Infor, Infor Partners and of course, great Infor customers. Get your questions answered, learn how to better plan for upgrades and connect with your peers.  

  • Hear Infor updates!
  • Enjoy socializing with attendees Wednesday evening at a Happy Hour hosted by Grant Thornton!
  • Register by 10/15 for a chance to receive an Amazon Gift Card!
  • Attendees will have also have several other chances to win at the conference!
  • Connect with experts onsite who can offer solutions tailored to your business needs!
  • Sessions on FSM, HR Talent, WFM, Landmark Technology, Reporting, Lawson V10 and more!
  • Breakfast, lunch, refreshments and snacks will be provided!

Hotel(s) offering your special group rate:
SpringHill Suites Boise Park Center for 135 USD - 145 USD per night



Registration for this event is closed


Regulatory Enhancement Request
User Groups

When & Where

Wednesday, November 15th, 2023 → Thursday, November 16th, 2023
St. Luke's Central Plaza
720 E Park Blvd
Boise,Idaho 83712


Thu, October, 5th 2023

Is there a virtual option for this event? Unfortunately this is during out Open Enrollment and I won't be able to travel during that time but the agenda sounds great. Thanks!
Delivered Read


Loring Kaveney
Paula Knaul
Juliana Rexho
Yvonne Cheslog
Heidi Anderson
Teri Cardoza
Leah Wilsey
Brandee Skelton
Western Infor User Group Fall Meeting - November 15-16th, 2023
