


Rich Client IPA Scheduling

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I am new to this technology and I've been tasked to make a report of all the scheduled Actions and who receives notifications from them. I have noticed that when you create a schedule of a process, you can call it anything you want. That's great, but after the schedule is created, where do you go to find out what process that schedule was created for? Some people named the scheduled action something that doesn't match the name of any of the processes so it's making it difficult, even  Read more...impossible to find out what process the scheduled action is using. Show less...
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There is a table in your Landmark GEN database called "S$AAR". The column "ACTIONPARAMETERS" is in XML format, and it can be parsed to extract more details about the schedule (and the trigger). The XML varies for each version. I have a sample query in the below article, but you may need to adjust for your version of Landmark.

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