Molly Velasco Nordic
Bails is looking forward to an event filled September and connecting with clients and users at the various User Group meetings!
We begin the month with the Northeast Lawson User Group (NELUG), Keystone (KLUG), and Mid-America User Group (LMAUG) joint user group on 9/8/22 where we are a gold sponsor. Are you planning on attending the virtual event on 9/8/22? Please plan on joining Bails at the 12p ET co-presentation with our long-time client John Soules Foods: A Phased Approach to Infor’ Read more...s Human Capital Management Products. Bails Senior Account Executive, Luke Neal, will also be in attendance. Feel free to reach out to Luke at before, during, or after the meeting to see how a partnership with Bails is beneficial to your organization! #Bails #INFOR #NELUG #ERP #HCM #FSM #GHR #SCM #InforPartner #HRTalent #Cloudsuite #Payroll
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Group: Nordic

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