Molly Velasco Nordic
Where will you find Bails next? Striving to be an iconic partner for your Infor ERP implementation. Join us each month as we follow Bails employees on their adventures around the globe!

Living in the inland valleys of Central California can get quite warm with many days exceeding 100 degrees. Luckily, Senior Applications Consultant, Christopher Nola is just a short drive from his favorite cooling-off spot, Morro Bay. The iconic Morro Rock sits in the inlet.

 Read more...Twenty-three million years ago, a volcano went dormant, and Morro Rock was formed. Ancient residents of the area were the Salinan and Chumash tribes, who considered the rock a sacred site. Standing 576 feet tall, Morro Rock has aided navigators for over 300 years and is now a State Historic Landmark.

‘It is so easy to unwind and get fresh seafood. Just don’t bring food to the beach with you, the otters and sea lions will swim right up and take your lunch.’

Let Bails be your rock as you navigate your ERP implementation. #Bails #CloudSuite #Infor #InforPartner 
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Group: Nordic

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