Molly Velasco Nordic
Where will you find Bails next? Making connections that optimize the ERP process for our clients. Join us each month as we follow Bails employees on their adventures around the globe! 

Bails team members, Rob and Molly Velasco recently visited their eldest son, Ben, an engineering student, at Purdue University. While strolling the campus, the Velasco family came across the Lawson Computer Science building and wondered if it could be affiliated with Infor/Lawson. They were  Read more...pleasantly surprised to discover that Richard Lawson, a 1968 Purdue graduate and founder of Lawson Software, and his wife, Patricia, donated to the building.
“We thought it was a remarkable coincidence that the software that Rob and I have worked on for our careers, and the very thing that provided us the means to be able to send our son to school, is continuing to provide to him while at Purdue.” Wrote Molly, “It’s such a small world.”
Ready to optimize your Infor CloudSuite or Lawson investment? Let Bails provide you with a business process assessment to lay out your path forward. Contact us today at #Bails #Assessment #Roadmap #Infor #InforPartner #Lawson
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Group: Nordic

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