
Kinsey’s Security Reporting, SoD, and Auditing for INFOR CloudSuite and Lawson S3

Join Dan Kinsey for live demonstrations of Kinsey’s Security and Auditing tools for INFOR’s CloudSuite and Lawson S3 applications. These tools are designed specifically to assist you with maintaining security and satisfy  Read more...your audit requirements.

Security Reporting and Segregation of Duties Reporting
Thursday January 25 – 11:00 AM CST

This webinar is geared toward anyone interested in seeing how simple security reporting can be or how to determine if your users may be in violation of Segregation of Duties polices.

Activity Monitoring and Transaction Auditing
Thursday January 25 – 3:00 PM CST

This webinar will focus on how to monitor what users are doing in your ERP application. We will show you how you can track any form a user has accessed and the action performed as well as audit changes at the field level. Show less...
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Group: Kinsey

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