


I am interested in attending the 2018 Summer event in Northfield, but my company is not a member of your user group. Can we still attend, or do we have to join your user group?

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Mark Wilhelm of Nebraska Methodist Health Systems. We are members of the Central Plains Lawson User Group (CPLUG).
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Mark, the registration fee does include the IPA Symposium on Tuesday, 6/25. It also covers breakfast and lunch each day, and both the Tuesday night and Wednesday night receptions. The cost of membership is $250 and it allows up to five people to attend with no registration fee. If you have more than three people planning to attend, the membership is more economical.
Sherri will help you here... @SherriBinger 😀
Sherri and Eric, how much is it to join the user group? We here at Nebraska Methodist Health Systems are interested in joining the Midwest Lawson User Group.
Eric and Sherri, thanks for the response and the information. I will pass this to my manager. Question, does this also include the IPA Process Flow session on Tuesday? I am new to this and it would be invaluable.

Thanks again and I hope to see you in Northfield!
Mark, there is a non-member registration fee of $80 per person to attend our summer conference. It can be paid at the time of registration.
All Infor/Lawson users are welcome. There is a discount available for members. I am adding @SherriBinger to this thread - Sherri can help you with any detailed information you may need. See you in Northfield!
