


How do you add new vendors to Lawson when users input / load invoice information? how does it work in an electronic workflow situation?

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Desi - Thank you for replying to Maryellen!
Hi Maryellen! Great question!

We have several clients who automate invoice/vendor imports. Typically they read a file into an IPA process and create csv files that can be imported into the conversion tables (APCINVOICE, APCVENMAST, ...) using importdb. (You could also use a Lawson Transaction node to add data via AP51 & AP52 screens). Then, either the IPA process runs AP510 & AP520 (which imports vendors & invoices respectively), or someone can run those batch jobs  Read more...manually.

We also have a client who uses an external web page to request vendor maintenance manually, and that goes through an approval process using an IPA approval flow. It's a similar concept, where you import records into APCVENMAST and run the AP510 to import the vendors.

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