


V10 Supply Chain users: How do you handle vendor PO's that have a minimum order amount?

Currently, when we are running the jobs to turn our requisitions into PO's, any vendor that has a minimum order set on PO10 will fall to our exception report regardless if the PO amount is or is not meeting the minimum order amount. So for those that are meeting the min amount, we manually go and release to a PO, but this is extra work. We made some adjustments to our set up and then we had the opposite problem that PO's were created for all and if they didn't meet the min order amount they  Read more...then created an unreleased PO. This is quite a bit of manual work because the operational team has to cancel that PO and re-recreate the req so it gets picked up and added to any other reqs the next time the jobs run. Which means this process could happen multiple times until the product totals meet the minimum amount. We are hoping there is a way that those that don't meet the min order will stay as reqs and fall to the exception report, but those that do meet the min order will create a released PO. Has anyone experienced these same issues or have a process they use that works for minimum orders? Show less...
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