Molly Velasco Nordic
Here’s a sample of what’s to come in the first-ever #FSM #AskMeAnything webinar on October 29, 2021, part of the #Bails #InformativeFridays series! Client question: When we issue customer refunds, we add a vendor in our AP system, so  Read more...we end up with a lot of vendors that aren't really vendors. It takes time to set them up, and then it takes time to keep the vendor master list clean. Is there a better way to do this? Bails answer: Yes! There IS a better way to do this (in either Infor Lawson or Infor FSM), and it’s rather simple! You can set up a SINGLE vendor in Accounts Payable for processing Cash Management Payments. Then, payments can be processed in one of two ways: 1) By using interface programs to upload payment data to Cash Management from third-party systems, or 2) By creating individual payments in Cash Management. More detailed information related to this (and MORE) will be provided in the webinar! Register today by emailing AND there is still time to submit your question(s) by commenting on the following post: Please post your comment(s) by 10/22/2021 to be considered for inclusion in the webinar! #Infor Show less...
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