Tag: DC (Messages)

Messages 7


Fri, July, 3rd 2020

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Tue, March, 10th 2020

As #DC eyes a new flooding prevention plan, its deputy chief #resilience officer sees it as an example of unifying goals with resources to solve a problem. #LocalGov #SmartCity
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Tue, October, 8th 2019

Inclusion, Innovation and the Workforce of the Future: At #SCC19, panelists from #DC discuss how #emergingtech and initiatives can be used in the District equitably. https://t.co/5Dompef2Mi
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Tue, June, 25th 2019

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Thu, October, 29th 2015

It was great to meet you all! Safe travels back home. Looking forward to more GREAT meetings in the future.

#MRLUG #DC #100TimesBetter #WorkOutLoud
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The following message was shared by @Claire_Florin (Claire Florin)
What a GREAT turn out at the #MRLUG 2015 Mega Meeting!! Thank you to all vendors and members who attended as well as the breakout session speakers.

A special thank you to the MRLUG Board for hosting a great event. @JosephMcDevitt @AudreyTirendi @DonnellPerkins Holly and John

Welcome Read more... #MRLUG members to your NEW LGUG.net! Enjoy!

#MRLUG #DC #100TimesBetter Show less...

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