Tag: Kronos (Messages)

Messages 4


Mon, December, 20th 2021

White House warns businesses to remain cyber vigilant over holidays as healthcare providers wrestle with the #Apache #Log4j vulnerability and #Kronos attack. Read more here: Read more... https://image.connect.hhs.gov/lib/fe3915707564047b761078/m/2/a78b774a-b798-4b15-a350-525748c74a61.pdf #Cybersecurity Show less...
Group: Healthcare
Thu, January, 26th 2017

Fri, January, 6th 2017

Webinar: Dashboard Gear - Kronos Reporting Made Easy

Are you struggling with getting meaningful data from your Kronos Human Capital Management Application? Are table joins too confusing? Is reporting on time shift data becoming a never-ending project? Are your current reports taking too long to run?

Please join us to learn how Dashboard Gear’s Reporting/Analytics Toolkits simplify the creation of Kronos reports and analytics.

Click below to  Read more...register! #DashboardGear #Webinar #Education #Kronos #Reporting Show less...
Thu, January, 5th 2017

Webinar: Dashboard Gear - Kronos Reporting Made Easy

Are you struggling with getting meaningful data from your Kronos Human Capital Management Application? Are table joins too confusing? Is reporting on time shift data becoming a never-ending project? Are your current reports taking too long to run?

Please join Dashboard Gear to learn how Dashboard Gear’s Reporting/Analytics Toolkits simplify the creation of Kronos reports and analytics.

Click  Read more...below to register! #DashboardGear #Webinar #Education #Kronos #Reporting Show less...
