Tag: inforhealth (Messages)

Messages 5


Wed, August, 18th 2021

Ask any group of HR professionals if they love or hate benefits, and about half will probably shrug and answer, “Uh, yes?” That tongue-in-cheek answer would reflect that benefits are one of the two or three most powerful HR tools for attracting top talent but are expensive (for both employer and employee) and can be extremely time-consuming. Infor’s GHR v11 Benefits module is the future of their benefits strategy. Read ROI’s take on this module, how to balance administration time and  Read more...system resources, and getting your benefits team purring on all cylinders. https://blog.roihs.com/benefits-eligibility-made-easy #inforhealth #healthcareleaders #erp Show less...
Thu, March, 1st 2018

“Digital technologies are transforming patients' care experience across the healthcare continuum, writes @MarkWeberInfor: http://electronichealthreporter.com/power-hands-consumer-ready/?hootPostID=b611622880cd663e5d48f1eaaae0929e

#InforHealth # Read more...CX” Show less...
