
Infor Technology

Since February, 2016

Infor Technology


Infor Technology

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Loring Kaveney
Yvonne Cheslog


Acevedo Luis
Adkins Kyle
Akinola Vera
Alexander Wendy
Allen Brian
Ananthakrishnan Venkat
Anderson Heidi


Human Capital Management
Financial Management
Just For Fun
Regulatory Enhancement Request
User Groups
Wed, June, 14th 2023

East Coast Mega 2023
Hosted by Southeast & MRLUG Infor User Groups
Wyndham Lake Buena Vista Resort
Lake Buena Vista, FL
June 22 – 23, 2023

**Open To All Infor Customers**

Looking for a break from the last 3 years of Zoom meetings, Teams calls and Webex's?

We are! That is why Southeast & MRLUG Infor User Groups have invested our time in creating a beneficial meeting to support strategic  Read more...Cloudsuite and Lawson conversations with vendors to answer questions, learn how to better plan for upgrades and connect with their peers.

Grab your sunglasses and get ready to join us as we head back to Florida. That’s right, we are back in person at the Disney Springs Resort Area! Registration is $149/person:

Welcome Reception – June 21, 6-8 pm at the resort - Refreshments provided!
First 100 to register will receive a beautilful beach towel as a gift at check-in
Hear Infor updates from Directors of Product Management
Connect with experts onsite who can offer solutions tailored to your industry
Sessions on Financials & Supply Management, HR Talent, Landmark Technology, Reporting, Lawson V10
Attendees can schedule a 1-hour consulting session at the event with Dashboard Gear founder, Rich Bendickson. Email to claim your timeslot
Breakfast, lunch, refreshments and snacks (June 22 & 23)
This event location is walking distance to Disney Springs
Still want more??? You can add on a RPI Bootcamp for June 21, 2023 to make three full days of content, click here for more RPI Bootcamp information------> SEPARATE REGISTRATION HERE

Use this link for the latest agenda: Show less...
Delivered Read
Tue, May, 30th 2023

East Coast Mega 2023
Hosted by Southeast & MRLUG Infor User Groups
Wyndham Lake Buena Vista Resort
Lake Buena Vista, FL
June 22 – 23, 2023

**Open To All Infor Customers**
We are excited to have 15 Vendors and Infor representatives in person presenting!

Grab your sunglasses and get ready to join us as we head back to Florida. That’s right, we are back in person at the Disney Springs  Read more...Resort Area! Registration is $149/person:

Welcome Reception – June 21, 6-8 pm at the resort - Refreshments provided!
First 100 to register will receive a beautilful beach towel as a gift at check-in
Hear Infor updates from Directors of Product Management
Connect with experts onsite who can offer solutions tailored to your industry
Sessions on Financials & Supply Management, HR Talent, Landmark Technology, Reporting, Lawson V10
Attendees can schedule a 1-hour consulting session at the event with Dashboard Gear founder, Rich Bendickson. Email to claim your timeslot
Breakfast, lunch, refreshments and snacks (June 22 & 23)
This event location is walking distance to Disney Springs
Still want more??? You can add on a RPI Bootcamp for June 21, 2023 to make three full days of content, click here for more RPI Bootcamp information------> SEPARATE REGISTRATION HERE

Use this link for the latest agenda:

Customer presentations welcome!
If you would like to present at our event and share your challenges and successes, contact via email. Customer presenters will receive a thank you gift card for their contribution.

Hotel info
The Wyndham Lake Buena Vista resort offers two distinct lodging options. Make your reservations today to enjoy one or the other!


East Coast Mega User Group. Wyndham Lake Buena Vista - Booking Link
East Coast Mega User Group. Wyndham Garden Lake Buena Vista - Booking Link
Learn more about Wyndham's Disney Advantage

Disney Advantage

The Wyndham only offers shuttle transportation to the theme parks, not to the airport. The Wyndham recommends Mears Connect for airport shuttle service.

MearsConnect link

Looking forward to seeing you in The Sunshine State!

Additional Files
2023DisneyMeetingConventionFlyer_122022.pdf Show less...
Delivered Read
Wed, May, 3rd 2023

Infor Mega Meeting – (East Coast Mega 2023)
Wyndham Lake Buena Vista Resort
Lake Buena Vista, FL
June 22 – 23, 2023
(Registration Is Open To All Infor Customers)
We are excited to have many Vendors and Infor representatives in person presenting!
Grab your sunglasses  Read more...and get ready to join us as we head back to Florida. That’s right, we are back in person at the Disney Springs Resort Area! Registration is $149/person which offers you:
• Welcome Reception – June 21, 6-8 pm at the resort - Refreshments provided!
• Two full days of sessions (June 22 & 23)
• First 100 to register will receive a gift at check-in
• Sessions on Financials & Supply Management, HR Talent, Landmark Technology, Lawson V10
• Breakfast, lunch, refreshments and snacks (June 22 & 23)
• Network and connect with fellow Infor customers
• This event location is walking distance to Disney Springs
• Still want more??? You can add on a RPI Bootcamp for June 21, 2023 to make three full days of content, click here for more RPI Bootcamp information Show less...
Delivered Read
Thu, September, 15th 2022

Yes DM and let me know how to connect
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Fri, August, 19th 2022

I've been informed my list was incomplete. Further props in order. Congrats to @AbbottJeff , CEO of Ivanti, who ran channels. Shout outs to @RodmacJohnson and @Cormac_Watters who are running Oracle Apps NA and EMEA respectively. Congrats all and what a team!
Delivered Read
Mon, August, 8th 2022




Numeric usernames?

Has anyone switched to numeric user names vs alpha? IE: 123456 vs absmith?
Our company has switched to this for all new users and I'm looking for any gotcha's, issues etc.
We are on Lawson 10.0.9 on-premise.
Delivered Read
Tue, July, 12th 2022

Congrats to @d_angove on being named CEO of Blue Yonder along with Corey Tollefson as President. Hat trick, all software CEOs now + @StephanScholl @PamMurphyInTech Great work all and well deserved.
Delivered Read
Sun, May, 1st 2022

Wise, level headed, experienced, and personable (and likes NYC). Congrats to my old friend Karen Bass on the LA Times Endorsement: Karen Bass for Los Angeles mayor @KarenBassLA
Delivered Read
Fri, April, 8th 2022

Musk @ The Air Force Academy yesterday complete with Cadet A-jacket. Interested in the new Space Center being built at USAFA for the Space Force. The Cadets have already used SpaceX for a launch. @SpaceX @AirForceGrads
Delivered Read
Sat, February, 26th 2022

RT @sandeep_sr: @mwseibel @paulg — cut off access(updates) to GitHub , Python , Linux kernel updates , Node, npm etc..
— cut off R…
Delivered Read
Fri, January, 14th 2022

Wed, December, 1st 2021

Thu, October, 21st 2021




SOX Compliance - User Access Review (UAR)

We went live on CloudSuite FSM several months ago and are going through our first SOX User Access Review with our external auditors (E&Y). We are encountering some challenges in a couple areas. First, from the User Management area, the only option for a report of all users and their roles is manually creating a csv file. From our interaction with Infor we know of no way to automate this (short of a bot script) or to get the report as a pdf. Since there is manual intervention, this brings  Read more...into question the completeness and accuracy of the UAR. Second, between standard roles and our custom roles we have about 350 roles available through User Management. E&Y has requested a listing of all roles and their description. I have not been able to find a single source (on-line or in documentation) where I can at least get all of the standard roles. I have had to cobble together a list from numerous sources (both online and documentation) to comply with this request. On an ongoing basis there should be a simpler way to get at this information - I dread having to update this for each UAR we have to do. I'm hoping there is someone out there in Inforland who is required to do UARs, preferably with E&Y, who can provide some guidance on how they have tackled these challenges and how they handle the UAR process in general. Thanks for listening... Show less...
Delivered Read
Wed, September, 15th 2021



GUI to Cloud Migration Plan & Documentation

Categorized as:

Does anyone have templates for a GUI to InforCloud Go Live?
Delivered Read
Sun, May, 30th 2021

Mary J. Blige gets her star on the Apollo Theater Walk of Fame. I'd say 80 mil records sold would do it. What's the 411 started it don't sleep on my fav Everyday People with Jermaine Dupri @maryjblige @ApolloTheater #thehumanvoice
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