The Ultimate Profile: Truly Understanding Your Customer
WorkOutLoud Feature Spotlight
Why is the profile so important? More than just demographics, the profile can help you better understand your audience, it can help people find each other, it can be used to connect the dots between people and content, customers and products, prospects and the right advocate or promoter. Finally, it gives you insight into behavior both now and in the future. Done well, you can collect tremendous amounts of data for your team while providing a user experience that doesn't feel like they're entering tons of data. WorkOutLoud ensures comprehensive questions can be asked and content can be targeted specifically to the right people at the right time.
What is a Customer Profile?
A customer profile is a set of attributes that describe an individual consumer. These attributes ultimately help to group consumers into segments in order to better define customer types and identify their needs.
WorkOutLoud's comprehensive Profile and the analytics behind it allow you to break the customer profile down into three categories: Demographics, Behavioral Trends, and Predictive Outcomes.
Basic Demographics
When a person joins a WorkOutLoud community, they are asked a series of built-in questions that are important to your business. These are the primary factors like company name, job title, location, and phone number. Administrators can turn these basic demographic questions on or off, make them required or not, and even utilize drip prompts to request customers enter this info later in their journey within the community.
Behavioral Trends
This is how your customers or community members interact with each other and your community. There are built-in features within WorkOutLoud that allow you to track and measure each comment, like, share, blog post, or other contribution to the community. You will be able to see who your most active community members are and start to locate Thought Leaders and brand advocates.
Predictive Outcomes
Once your community members have become active and engaged, you will have access to relevant and actionable analytic reports. You can use this data to understand usage trends and start to predict future behavior from similar users.
WorkOutLoud's Extended Profile
The Extended Profile allows for additional layers of unique customized questions which can provide further intel into customer demographics and usage, such as their industry, which of your products they use, or what they enjoy most about working with your company.
These questions allow the administrator a choice between the type of input or response customers are able to enter. When constructing the questions, admins can pick from Multiple Choice, Date, Input field (one line response), or Text Box (multiple lines, long response) to name a few.
For example, if you'd like to understand age demographics using age ranges, you can enter your own custom ranges as a multiple choice question and your customer will be able to choose the correct range for themselves of the choices you provide.

The level of information you can learn about your customers through the Extended profile is limited only to the expanses of your imagination and efficiency of questions you ask.
Customer Categories: Group Profiling
One of the primary features in WorkOutLoud is Groups. Groups allow your company and/or customers to organize into categories around special interests, products, geographic regions, or perhaps even demographic segments, like a group for CXO's. Community administrators can setup predefined groups that customers can easily join, and/or customers can also self-organize and create new groups and invite others to join them to collaborate.
The types of groups that are created and who joins them can be quite useful and telling in itself. However, it gets even better through Group Extended Profiles. This is exactly the same as the individual Extended Profiles except that the questions are asked of people that join the group, again they can be required or not. They can also be Conditional meaning that if a community member answers a question in a certain way, the system decides which question to ask next based on that previous answer. This is known as Branching Questions or Skip Logic.
Impact of Analytics on Understanding Customer Profile
One of the greatest things about WorkOutLoud is the more your company and your customers engage within your community, the more valuable it becomes. Every interaction adds to the data the system compiles and helps you better understand your customers concerns, needs, and aspirations. With every click, share, or connection, you are gaining valuable information that is compiled into organized charts and reports.

WorkOutLoud's SuggestionEngine™
WorkOutLoud is reinventing customer profiling through a powerful tool that connects the dots between community members, as well as between people and content. Through the use of smart algorithms, the SuggestionEngine™ ensures that information and contacts most relevant to a customer are discovered and presented in the most meaningful and obvious fashion. It acts as a powerful concierge that builds meaningful connections within your audience and reduces the need for them to go out and search for information.
As an example, when a customer joins a WorkOutLoud Community, if they indicate they are a CFO, the SuggestionEngine™ could direct them toward a blog post about Corporate finance and suggest they join a group for C-level executives.
Why is the profile useful?
For Your Customers
It allows them to receive targeted communications around topics that they have indicated are relevant and important to them. It helps people find information, make connections, form groups around common ideas or issues, and ultimately allows them to self-organize, crowdsource, and self-serve.
For Your Business
You are able to keep your customers closer and have a better understanding of them than you've ever had before. You can provide them a space to interact more directly with each other and your company than your varying social media accounts, and you collect extremely useful data with every click or connection.
This is the third post in a 12-week series. Next week's topic is: 3 Ways a Customer Community Supplements Your Social Media Strategies. Make sure you don't miss it, Sign up for our Newsletter today!