


Good Morning Everyone! I'm new to the KLUG and fresh back from the Winter Showcase in St. Paul. I've got some questions about moving to CloudSuite. My organization, GBMC, is currently third-party hosted. We're looking to implement GlobalHR and there are some pretty convincing arguments for moving to the Infor cloud, but I'm not sure I understand all the pros and cons very well. If anyone has experience with this or some good documentation I could peruse, I would be extremely grateful! Than

Cloud vs. On-Prem in going from Lawson v10 to v11
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Hi Travis
Kennedy Krieger Institute is running Talent (Global HR) on premise among other Infor products. I think we just connected on LinkedIn. Would love to chat about Global HR and some of the other products GBMC is using.

Hi Travis!
Your instincts are good! There is a lot to consider. Not only the platform change, but the impact on the organization in moving to the new solutions. The technology is very different from S3 and brings added functionality such as workflow, collaboration and configuration (no more customizations). With that, this becomes a project that the business owners for each area need to be engaged with fully to leverage the new features and functions. In IT, you'll move from  Read more...supporting patches and upgrades to utilizing the new tools to enhance operations for the end users.

I would be happy to share more with you directly on both the technical and functional fronts! You can find us at or message me and we can connect at Show less...
