


Do you suggest using paint screens to update bad data or is it safter to do it manually

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Processing through the application is always better. For example, PO Line doesn't always close right if a value has been painted, or if the line closes, the header may not recognize it, etc. I've "unpainted" bad data to it's original value and then used uploads for the correct ones - just to make the application process correctly.
In that case, I think your process is perfect!!
Hello!! If it can be fixed manually, we complete it on the existing screens. We use Add Ins for any large amount of data. If we need to go to Paint screens, when data
updates just won't work on the main screens, we need to provide our data in spreadsheet form to the IT team.
Hi Tonia! Great question! While we have used both methods for fixing bad data, Infor typically recommends using a paint screen. It really depends on who is making the fix, and how complex it is, and how many records need to be fixed. For instance, if GL190 fails and we have to fix hundreds of records in bad status, we are going to lean toward a mass update query. If it's a small record set, it might be make more sense to do the paint screen. If you want functional users to weigh in, it  Read more...might be easier to have a paint screen so they can visualize better. Whatever you do, just be careful and have a good backup of your database! Let me know if you have any followup questions! Show less...
