


Bringing Lawson On-premise. Converting from AIX/Windows environment with Oracle DB to Windows with MS SQL DB. Any Lawson customers have any experience with this? Looking for insight on how to roadmap this process and develop cost and schedule.

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There are differences between the ORACLE DB Characteristics and the SQL DB Characteristics that need to be accounted for. Like dates and integers, making this a not so simple task.

Using the internal Lawson utilities like expsysdb/impexp which creates a flat file from the source productline that can be used to import into the target productline. This requires you to have an operational Lawson Environment (LSF) with attached productlines at the exact same version level; one  Read more...attached to ORACLE and one attached to SQL. If you data is large, this can be a long running process and may jeopardize your desired down-time.

At ClearSky/TeamAbsolute, our developers have created what we call the MIGRATE.S3 which migrates Lawson data from one ORACLE to SQL outside of the Lawson environment. This is done at the data base layer resulting is high-speed migration with the target data base in Lawson ready format. Depending on who you are currently hosted by, this tool can make this migration pretty easy. Show less...
