
Sat, May, 18th 2019

Is there any way you could add an .ics link to our personal schedules so we can load it into Outlook?#southeast-mega-spring-meeting
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Loring Kaveney likes this.
Yes, we can and we will add it to our Development list to be deployed next week. You I will be the first to know😉
Great idea!
Any progress on the calendar for personal agenda?
Chip - it was supposed to be in last night but we had an issue w/ the MS Outlook function. GMail/Cal is working. Should be corrected this morning, then we will try to get it in as soon as possible. I hope for you (and others) to benefit from this new feature with the SEMEGA event. Should be in later today.
Chip - it is up (yesterday). It is available on the "My Agenda"😜age. Look forward to further discussion at meeting.
