


Non-Exempt hours exceeding 40 and reporting

I have been conducting test payrolls for non-exempt employees that are either paid over 40 hours and/or non-exempt employees having multiple position/rates, when both positions result in overtime.

I am familiar with a display of 45 hours paid to non-exempt on the PR140 as Regular 40 and overtime 5 while in my test using the PR132 FLSA overtime calculation, the hours are showed as Regular 45 and overtime 5(Both resulted in the same gross payment).

Also with the  Read more...non-exempt employee with multiple positions/multiple rates, I am getting the total hours worked for both positions and overtime. For example in position 1.Employee worked 32 hours regular + 10 hours overtime at Rate X and position II employee worked 8 hours regular + 10 hours overtime at Rate Y. When processed the PR140 showed 60 hours regular and 20 hours overtime at weighted average rates. Paystub showed 42 hours regular at rate X; 18 hours Regular at Rate Y; and 20 hours at Rate Z.

My concerns include:

1. Running reports for the above hours seemed overstated in hours as it shows more regular hours when processed in Lawson versus Time & Attendance hours.

2. The employee interpretation of 60 hours regular and 20 hours of overtime when accustomed to 40 hours regular and 20 hours overtime

I would appreciate any feedbacks from others who have this system which pays the combined hours and what is the best practice with regards FLSA/DOL.

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What reports are you running that don't tie reg and OT hours back to your T&A system? We use Kronos and non-exempt hourly workers OT is calculated in the T&A system and regular hours and OT hours pass into Lawson via PR530. The PR132 process examines the reg and OT hours to calculate the regular rate and adjusts pay accordingly. We run a different payroll every other week. One records hours worked by day and the other records hours worked by week. Paychecks reflect summary hours  Read pay type and rate. We have not experienced any hour discrepancies on payroll reports between Kronos and Lawson. Show less...
