


Conversion of Histroical Data - Issue

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Team, my organization has just completed a full migration to MS2012, which included updates to release updates in GHR. Prior to our current system, we implemented GHR in 2018 without carrying any data over from legacy systems. If an employee was hired and terminated in our legacy system, that data was not loaded into GHR.

With the 2012 migration, our legacy system is now read only. Let's say today, if I need to update an employee's date of hire in that legacy system, I have  Read ability to do that.

Although it would have been best to bring over historical data at the time of the migration, that opportunity has passed.

What would you do if faced with the same scenario and needed to update data in a legacy system, while you were operating in another system? The possibility of having two systems that data is being managed within.  Show less...
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It is likely that you or someone else still has access since you running and paying employees out of S3 Payroll. My recommnedation would be to give someone in HRIS access to update that data in S3 to make sure it stays in sync with GHR.
