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ER 78962 – Having Vertex Add Tax When The Invoice Does Have Tax (TX)


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When vendor doesn’t charge tax at all (0 tax on invoice) we want to book what Vertex calculated to a tax accrual account and don’t compare tax as part of the invoice tolerance process.

Work Around
We must manually intervene with these invoices.

Proposed Solution
Currently, the system doesn’t differentiate invoice with 0 tax amount. It sent through tax tolerance and will be placed in unreleased unapproved status. We would like these invoices to be approved/released automatically without going through tax tolerance process so invoices will be paid as it is. Vertex calculated amount to be booked to use tax accrual account-subaccount combination (247-0000).
ER 78495 – Revise Landed Tax Tolerance to Follow The Same Accounting As The Line Item (AP)


We’re looking to book any differences that fall within the $50 tax tolerance following the same accounting as the item line (booked to an expense account). Currently, our tax tolerance setup is at $50, with tax code VAR and a default tax rounding account as shown below. The tax code has been defined with Land Cost Flag set to Yes, so that tax on an item is included in item’s cost.

Work Around

Proposed Solution
We’re looking to book any differences that fall within the $50 tax tolerance following the same accounting as the item line (booked to an expense account). Currently, our tax tolerance setup is at $50, with tax code VAR and a default tax rounding account as shown below. The tax code has been defined with Land Cost Flag set to Yes, so that tax on an item is included in item’s cost. In the example shown below (INV116343), we would want the Distribution for Tax Code VAR to follow item distribution company, accounting unit, account and sub account (1-72200-601-5).
ER 78324 – Send Tax Usage Code To Vertex As Usage (AP)


On PO20 Add and Release and on PO30 Release, we would like the Purchase Order Request sent to Vertex to include the Tax Usage Code field and pass to Vertex as Usage. Also, on Invoice Entry through MA54, which triggers a call to Vertex, or any other Invoice processing (i.e. AP20) that triggers a tax call to Vertex, we would like the Invoice Verification Request sent to Vertex to include the Tax Usage Code field and pass to Vertex as Usage.

Work Around
There is none.

Proposed Solution
Map the Tax Usage field to the Vertex SOAP Web call
Tax Usage Code Mapping Details
On PO20 Add and Release and on PO30 Release, we would like the Purchase Order Request sent to Vertex to include the Tax Usage Code field and pass to Vertex as Usage. Below is the mapping, and screenshot of Lawson field from where we expect this information to come from.

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