The decade of Hospital 4.0 is here. So far clinical operations have seen trememdous benefits from the innovations served by this initiative. But as RPI director Michael Grace explains in his article for ERP News, the robust enhancements and process-driven frameworks of the new generation of Cloud ERP solutions, when combined with the exciting potential of robotic process automation (RPA) promises even more transformative outcomes for the digital worker in healthcare. 

Read Michael's article on the promise of digital transformation for the new healthcare digital worker at ERP News.

RPI Director of Infor Services, Michael Grace, has a history blending IT leadership, consulting, and innovation with a fierce determination to solve the root customer issues in a variety of industries. He has worked extensively in healthcare as well as finance, gaming and retail industries. He has worked for a variety of leading companies to include Dignity Health, Cancer Treatment Centers of America, Phoenix Children’s Hospital, The Revere Group, Moss Adams, BearingPoint, Deloitte and The Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.