

Since December, 2015



The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), commonly called the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was signed into law on March 23, 2010. The first year of required reporting will be for the 2015 year and it will need to be completed in the first quarter of 2016.

Applicable Large Employers (A Read more...LE) that have 50 or more full-time employees will have annual reporting responsibilities concerning whether and what health insurance they offered to their full-time employees. Infor has released an HRM Affordable Care Act Solution for HRM customers that will provide the programs necessary to gather and track the additional information that is required to be reported to the IRS and employees. The intention of this group is to serve as a resource and provide a communication tool for collaboration among the Infor customers that are implementing the new solution.

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Carla Henke
Loring Kaveney


Alexander Wendy
Arey Chris
Armada Gina
Astvazaturov Anna
Barber Tameka
Bennett Brian
Beth Highfill
Bledsoe Joanna


Human Capital Management
Financial Management
Just For Fun
Wed, June, 14th 2023

East Coast Mega 2023
Hosted by Southeast & MRLUG Infor User Groups
Wyndham Lake Buena Vista Resort
Lake Buena Vista, FL
June 22 – 23, 2023

**Open To All Infor Customers**

Looking for a break from the last 3 years of Zoom meetings, Teams calls and Webex's?

We are! That is why Southeast & MRLUG Infor User Groups have invested our time in creating a beneficial meeting to support strategic  Read more...Cloudsuite and Lawson conversations with vendors to answer questions, learn how to better plan for upgrades and connect with their peers.

Grab your sunglasses and get ready to join us as we head back to Florida. That’s right, we are back in person at the Disney Springs Resort Area! Registration is $149/person:

Welcome Reception – June 21, 6-8 pm at the resort - Refreshments provided!
First 100 to register will receive a beautilful beach towel as a gift at check-in
Hear Infor updates from Directors of Product Management
Connect with experts onsite who can offer solutions tailored to your industry
Sessions on Financials & Supply Management, HR Talent, Landmark Technology, Reporting, Lawson V10
Attendees can schedule a 1-hour consulting session at the event with Dashboard Gear founder, Rich Bendickson. Email to claim your timeslot
Breakfast, lunch, refreshments and snacks (June 22 & 23)
This event location is walking distance to Disney Springs
Still want more??? You can add on a RPI Bootcamp for June 21, 2023 to make three full days of content, click here for more RPI Bootcamp information------> SEPARATE REGISTRATION HERE

Use this link for the latest agenda: Show less...
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Group: ACA
Fri, June, 10th 2016

Claire Florin ACA
Hello Digital Concourse Community! Don't forget that @CarlaHenke is your ACA Thought Leader. This group is here for you to post questions, helpful resources, and collaborate!

#DigitalConcourse #ACA #ThoughtLeader Read more... #Collaborate Show less...
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Group: ACA
Wed, March, 2nd 2016

At our last user group meeting, we discussed the distribution of the 1095's. There were several companies that had not completed the distribution at that time.
Quick Poll
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Group: ACA
Wed, December, 16th 2015

If you are looking for all the information available regarding ACA reporting, check out the KB article 1650062. It is the master article that provide you with a wealth of information on the latest and greatest for the new HRM ACA solution! Has anyone tested all the way through to the actual 1094-B, 1095-B, 1094-C, and 1095-C?
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Group: ACA
Tue, December, 8th 2015

Health Coverage Information Reporting Deadlines for Applicable Large Employers are Approaching
Who Must Report?
As a governmental, Tribal, tax-exempt or for-profit employer, if you are an applicable large employer you are subject to the Affordable Care Act information reporting requirements. These requirements apply to you whether or not you offered health coverage to your employees.
You are an applicable large employer for 2015 if you had 50 or more full-time employees,  Read more...including full-time equivalent employees, in 2014.
What Must You Report?
If you were an applicable large employer in 2015, you must file information returns with the IRS and provide statements to each employee who was a full-time employee for at least one month of the year about health coverage you offered or to show that you did not offer health coverage.
What Forms Must Be Used To Report?
• Form 1094-C, Transmittal of Employer-Provided Health Insurance Offer and Coverage Information Return: used to report to the IRS summary information for each employer and to transmit Forms 1095-C to the IRS.
• Form 1095-C, Employer-Provided Health Insurance Offer and Coverage: used to report required information to your employees and to report information about each employee to the IRS.
What Are The Due Dates For Reporting?
• Forms 1095-C must be provided to your employees by February 1, 2016.
• Forms 1094-C and 1095-C are due to the IRS by February 29, 2016, if filing on paper, or March 31, 2016, if filing electronically.
More Information
For more information, see our questions and answers about Reporting of Offers of Health Insurance Coverage by Employers on
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Group: ACA
