East Coast Mega 2023
Hosted by Southeast & MRLUG Infor User Groups
Wyndham Lake Buena Vista Resort
Lake Buena Vista, FL
June 22 – 23, 2023

**Open To All Infor Customers**

Looking for a break from the last 3 years of Zoom meetings, Teams calls and Webex's?

We are! That is why Southeast & MRLUG Infor User Groups have invested our time in creating a beneficial meeting to support strategic  Read more...Cloudsuite and Lawson conversations with vendors to answer questions, learn how to better plan for upgrades and connect with their peers.

Grab your sunglasses and get ready to join us as we head back to Florida. That’s right, we are back in person at the Disney Springs Resort Area! Registration is $149/person:

Welcome Reception – June 21, 6-8 pm at the resort - Refreshments provided!
First 100 to register will receive a beautilful beach towel as a gift at check-in
Hear Infor updates from Directors of Product Management
Connect with experts onsite who can offer solutions tailored to your industry
Sessions on Financials & Supply Management, HR Talent, Landmark Technology, Reporting, Lawson V10
Attendees can schedule a 1-hour consulting session at the event with Dashboard Gear founder, Rich Bendickson. Email to claim your timeslot
Breakfast, lunch, refreshments and snacks (June 22 & 23)
This event location is walking distance to Disney Springs
Still want more??? You can add on a RPI Bootcamp for June 21, 2023 to make three full days of content, click here for more RPI Bootcamp information------> SEPARATE REGISTRATION HERE

Use this link for the latest agenda: Show less...
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Group: ACA

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