August 2018 Monthly Community Update
Your community is key to maxamizing the benefits with your Infor/Lawson software.
If you are attending Inforum 2018 or not next month, you can still participate and possibly win some awesome prizes from our community Partners​​​​. Our Partners truly care about your business and have a few questions to help provide the best service possible and better understand your business. Below are a few online surveys that you can participate. Good Luck!

Hear what your peers are saying about your Digital Concourse community powered by WorkOutLoud.
Special "Thank You" to RPI Consultants for creating the informative community video and showing such great support to the community as a Platinum Partner.
Watch The Community Video Now: https://vimeo.com/283532704/636b52b53a

The Lawson Global User Group (LGUG) administers the User Experience Survey intended to gauge the perceptions of Infor/Lawson by the Lawson customer. This survey is managed independent of Infor, however, plays a key role in the LGUG/Infor annual meeting held at Inforum. Your participation in this survey will directly help the LGUG represent your viewpoint to the Infor/Lawson management team.
Please take a few moments to share your thoughts and experiences with LGUG. As an incentive, by successfully completing this survey before September 14, 2018, you will be entered in a draw for a chance to win one of nine $50 Amazon gift cards.

Special "Thank you" to the following users groups that are offering the 9 $50 Amazon gift card to :
- GALUG(Georgia/Alabama Lawson User Group)
- MWLUG(Midwest Lawson User Group)
- SWUG(South West Lawson User Group)
- MRLUG(Metropolitan Region Lawson User Group)
- CLUE(Carolinas Lawson User Exchange)
- SCAN ( South California, Arizona, Nevada Lawson User Group)
- CLUE(Canadian Lawson User Exchange)
- TNLUG(Tennessee Lawson User Group)
- GLUG (Great Lakes Lawson User Group)
Our Community Partners Are Here and Ready to Help
Answer a few questions adn win some cool prizes! As a thank youfor completing RPI's survey, we will enter you in a drawing for a Yeti cooler, the Amazon Echo Show, Tap or Dot, as well as Starbuck's Gift Cards.
Schedule your free coaching session with RPI Consultants at Inforum 2018 and get a personalized roadmap for your Infor Lawson solution. To schedule your meeting, visit https://rpic.as.me/inforum

Test your company's readiness persona with our CloudSuite quiz
Whether sprinting towards CloudSuite or taking a marathon approach, we've got you covered with how to prep, plan and get started. Check out this summer webinar series, YourPath to CloudSuite (Link YourPath to CloudSuite to: https://info.velocitycloud.com/cloudsuite-webinar-series)
And, test your company's readiness persona with our CloudSuite quiz (Link CloudSuite Quiz to: https://info.velocitycloud.com/cloudsuite-readiness-quiz

Bails & Associates, LLC will host opening reception at Inforum 2018.
Chief Executive Officer and PMP Jamie Bails will be attending her 24th Inforum this year. She shared, “Inforum allows us to meet our customers and demonstrate that we have the knowledge and skills to make their project a success. Navigating the waters of technology can be tricky, and I am confident that we can help companies make the right decisions. Inforum has always been an exiting event for our company and for our clients.”
How many times you have attended CUE/Inforum? 
We will be giving away a $25.00 Amazon gift card to the person that has attended the most events. An additional $25.00 Amazon gift card will be randomly selected from all eligible entries. Please click the survey link below.

To make the most of your Inforum experience complete this 5-Question Survey to Win a MEGABOOM Speaker with Alexa.
To mutually prepare for our meeting at Inforum, please answer these five questions so that we can align our discussion with your specific needs. After you hit submit, you will be entered into a raffle to win an Ultimate Ears MEGABOOM Speaker, a water-proof and shock-proof speaker with incredible Bluetooth sound coverage and embedded Alexa functionality.
Complete 5-Question Form to Tailor Your Inforum Experience or schedule a conference call meeting if you are not attending Inforum.

August's Educational Webinars
User group meetings and educational webinars check out the calendar today: https://lgug.workoutloud.com/Events/All-Events

Special Thank You To Our Digital Concourse Partners!
All of these Partners play an important role in this community and represent the "Best of the Best" as it relates to service and solution providers.
If your company would like to contribute to the Digital Concourse community and become a Partner. Please contact WorkOutLoud Today!
WorkOutLoud can also provide a community platform for your company, customers or other organizations that want to increase collaboration just like Digital Concourse, powered by WorkOutLoud.
Want to learn more contact us today!
Copyright © 2017 DigitalConcourse.com, powered by WorkOutLoud, LLC. All rights reserved.
Infor/Lawson Software is a registered trademark of Infor/Lawson Software. DigitalConcourse.com, Opt-In Query, Dynamic Profile, Dynamic Profiling, and Customer Interactions Management are all registered trademarks of DigitalConcourse.com
Disclaimer: DigitalConcourse.com and LGUG.net are independent user community services and On-Demand CRM solutions. DigitalConcourse.com is not affiliated with or sponsored by Infor/Lawson Software, Inc. Infor/Lawson Software, Inc. is not responsible for the content of any of this information.